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Everything posted by cowbell

  1. How do I adjust aircraft trim mid flight?
  2. @ spectrhz [Discussion] The procedural Solar systems seems too awesome to happen, it would make planetary transfers vary difficult to plan indeed. The reasoning behind the separate saves is that it answers most concerns about inter-solar travel in KSP; The first being extremely long transfer times, because they would be non-existent. The second is warp (of any kind), it seems that a significant portion of the KSP community are not too happy about warp-drives. I personally don't care how it is ultimately addressed, but perhaps we can have our cake and eat it too?
  3. I would have posted this in a previous discussion, but my input dos not really fit with them b/c they are all about multiple stars in one save. My idea: Once you have maxed out your research in a save, a new option will be available when starting a new save. This will be the new star system. You would start in the VAB or SPH with a budget to build your inter-star rocket. When done the ship will be placed entering the system on a hyperbolic trajectory. Now, it goes without saying that, at this point in development, we would need resources, extra-planetary launches, (and perhaps a kerbal breeding system?). Otherwise, this idea is completely useless.
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