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Everything posted by Kerbinator24

  1. Well needless to say I have managed to make it work \o/ I put both the receiver and transmitter on the same ship and magically the options appeared:D Plus it now works all the time
  2. it shows me all of what is in my log file in the first pastebin link I posted...this is a first time run of the game so that might be why there is very little in there My log ends on: [LOG 23:43:07.895] Reference Frame: Rotating and that's all that's in there:/ If you can't figure out what is wrong here, I'd be happy to do a remote access session if you want and you can have a look, if you have time ofc
  3. Yeah it is in a new location and yeah the log file appeared like magic Heres the part I was on about: http://pastebin.com/wUcY7HCS How's this?
  4. So even though im not a programmer at all, after I finally got KSP to make a log file I can even see what I "think" is causing my problem (don't hold me to it though ) http://pastebin.com/LaM55CUF Line 1374 is where it starts I believe
  5. Hi again Fractal, Alt + f2 gives me the debug window where this is spammed constantly: [Log]: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kspstore/dp/patcher/releases/production/win/Patcher.exe -> C:/Program Files (x86)/KSP/KSP_Data/../Patcher.exe [Warning]: [updater] Patcher does NOT exist! Redownloading.
  6. yup...no KSP.log file :/ However the reinstall did fix the warp drive animations and yes I also tried the .cfg file after reinstalling As for any other issues none at all...I've even tried installing on other computers in my household to no avail
  7. Another anomaly...no KSP.log file...even when I get the computer to search for the same name or parts of the name it gives me nothing :/
  8. Well I reinstalled KSP and the only problem I have now is the "microwave beamed power" one. Also .cfg file didn't help My Platform is: Windows 8 64-bit Intel Core i5 3230M 8GB DDR3 SDRAM 750 GB SATA nVidia GeForce GT 610M 2048 MB Not to sound too nooby but where do find the KSP.log file? :s
  9. To add onto my already confusing problems I now have no blue option buttons on any parts from this mod except the science module and computer core.
  10. Hey Fractal, Did you see my reply at the bottom of last page? Just wondering Thanks!
  11. Hi again Fractal, So I've gone through and made some screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/r0T5l4I.png In the right folder, http://i.imgur.com/00tlfAN.png Inside Warp Plugin Folder, http://i.imgur.com/Vv8B2hu.jpg In Game. I don't have any other mods installed and I even installed fresh on a new computer just to make sure. Thanks!
  12. Hi Fractal, Totally alright Something unusual is going on then as I have no option to "Activate Transmitter" on either parts. Also I noticed when I managed to make a warp able craft, go to warp, the graphics generated by the drive was just a long tube of white instead of what it should be. Apart from these 2 things everything else is working fine. As for screenshots if you Can't figure anything out from my info here I shall do some later as I don't have access to that computer until this evening. Thanks!
  13. Hi I only downloaded this mod today and put the folder inside the game data folder in the rar into my game data folder in my KSP folder. The mod seems to have installed properly but the Beamed Power Transmitter and Receiver Don't give me any options to toggle them open or closed nor transmit or stop. Any idea whats wrong? Also does anyone have any kind of manual on what you need or how to do some of the things included in the mod? I know what each thing does but I can't figure out how to make them all work together. Thanks.
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