One of the things that always bugged me is how the individual engines are far from realistic in the way they distribute weight on an airplane in rel life. In reality, the center of gravity of the engine is near the middle of the cowl - mainly the compressor/fan section. The tailpipe (represented in game, weight-wise, by an entire engine) is actually lightweight compared to the rest of the structure. See this cross section of a RB-211, an engine commonly used on the Boeing 757, to illustrate what I\'m talking about: I would suggest making an additional engine part by combining three existing individual parts into one - the intake, the cowling, and then the engine (which would then become the tailpipe portion of the new part) - it wouldn\'t be customizable, but it would be realistic. (The alternative would be to make the cowls much heavier while keeping the engines lightweight... but that wouldn\'t make any sense). This would place the combined mass of the pieces in the center of the cowling, which is where it should be attached to the wing or fuselage. It would definitely make things even easier when trying to get the CG of the aircraft right - many people probably have noticed that the planes they build still seem to be tail heavy, even though all of the parts appear to be in the correct location from an aesthetic point of view.