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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I'm looking for a game mode that's like Career but where managing your Budget and Reputation is the number one goal. Basically, a game would start with all Science being researched, and depending on difficulty the parts would be unlocked/purchased for use. Again, depending on difficulty selected, KSC facilities would either already be fully upgraded or not at game start. At this point, you would fulfill contracts to gain revenue (depending on difficulty), to be used to build rockets. Here's where it gets wonky -- you could still perform science experiments, but instead of getting Science points you get Revenue & Reputation. Yes, I realize most of this can already be done via the cheat menu, but it's kind of a pain to keep having to go back and set it all up at the beginning of a game.
  2. Running into a technical issue. All the engines only have 5 thrust. I've read through this thread for ideas for a fix, and just to be safe I did a clean install of KSP and only loaded FAR, Firespitter, AJE, and this mod (with the rescaled & liquid fuel CFGs) -- no luck, all engines still have five thrust. Any more ideas? Is there something specific I need to do with FAR to get this to work??
  3. I think it's lookin' good! Would second (third? fourth??) the "more stock-alike texture" comment. And for some reason, this thing is screaming "Landotron" at me... But with that being said, I agree with the previous statements on getting the pod squared away before worry too much about additions. Again, this looks great and look forward to seeing it in all its' finished glory!
  4. Definitely like the idea of this... would be good for those "Space Races against Friends" games... Will hopefully be trying it out tomorrow.
  5. Hmm... looking at the config files, would I just have to remove the Mode0/Mode1 lines or change them to an astronomically high number to get the "Only LoS Needed" effect I'm looking for?
  6. Don't suppose there's an option for infinite range? IE only LoS to transmitters/recievers matter, and the reason to use larger antenna over the smaller variety is for the amount of data that can be pushed?
  7. Working on a small base on the Mun -- three modules, the actual base core with habitat and life support, a kethane refiner, and a powerplant. Very slight slope (in the bottom of a crater). Pipes running from vessels to pylons, with pipe connectors being placed on the vertical sides of the pylons. One pylon is even doing double-duty as a comm array. No issues at this time, everything working beautifully.
  8. RCS Balancing Aid may be a good one to add to the list... KASPAR will definitely be in my "must run" mods list. Are there any plans to make larger containers?
  9. Does this effect Chatterer, by chance?
  10. Hey, likin' the mod so far. Good job! Hope this sees release. Anyway, I just did-up ModuleManager files for this for IonCross Lifesupport Mod & ModularFuel+RealFuel Mod. If anyone wants it, I'll upload it... assuming I can figure out how -- I'm a forum noob. And if this has ALREADY been done, my apologies. Edit: Nevermind, apparently I totally flubbed something up with the Ioncross mod and didn't quite get things right with the ModularFuelTanks (some have an empty mass of 0 and such). So, I retract my offer. My apologies for wasting bandwidth.
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