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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Make a biodome habitat module. Basically, something with windows on the outside and plants on the inside, that can store kerbals for moon and space bases, or long-range (interplanetary?) spacecraft. I can't think of what sort of resource it would produce or store, if any, but it would look cool if created by a skilled artisan It sure beats hitchhiker storage containers! Also, if you want to go so far as make an IVA for it, you could add some fun stuff like items hidden behind plants, that only a Kerbal in a particular place can see, etc. You know, easter eggs. Maybe even AN easter egg! Oh man, I'm liking this part already!
  2. Hmmm... well, cfgs are pretty straightforward, so if somebody can do the other things they usually can do the cfgs on their own as well. What about "ideas"? If you are an ideas man, and know how to make the concept work using Unity/KSP's limitations, then that would be a valuable asset. All to often people will come up with a great idea, but don't know how to make it work (or if the idea is even technically possible).
  3. I hope so. I love the simple style of the stock parts, they allow the coolness of the rocket's design and function to shine beyond it's mere surface appearance. Or in other words, the graphics don't get in the way of the enjoyment.
  4. 1. What is "General Propulsion"? 2. What are your current needs? Models, graphics, programming etc. 3. What sort of an add-on is it? Plugin? Parts? Other?
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