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Everything posted by Zwenkwiel

  1. the navball works better IMO, don't look at the number of your surface speed, ignore that untill you're actually going to land. your horizontal velocity is indicated by your retrograde marker, if it's not pointing straight up (centre blue) you still have horizontal velocity what I find easiest is to kill all my horizontal speed while in orbit, by "pushing" the retrograde marker to point straight up, and than just go straight down for the landing trying to get the vertical speed down while making minor corrections to keep my retrograde pointing straight up which means no horizontal speed upon touchdown and an accurate reading of vertical speed from the surface velocity indicator in case the landing site isn't flat enough you can do little hops by slightly pointing in the direction you want to go and burn but usually I can select a decent landing site from higher up
  2. I often eyeball a lot of my movemement (such as aiming for a specific landing site) but as for the actual landing goes I just use the navball one thing I found to help kill horizontal velocity is that you can sort of push your retrograde marker around by burning just outside of it. just have to burn opposite to the way you want it to move, basically if you want to move it left burn slightly to the right of it use this to get the prograde pointing staight up well before landing and you'll only have to worry about vertical velocity and distance when doing the actual landing
  3. you're right it was f4, must have hit it when randomly pushing buttons to see what they do XD i'm such a stupidhead sometimes, thank you very much
  4. so I was docking 2 ships in an orbit around kerban and when I set the target ship it showed up on the nav ball which allowed me to close the distance and match orbits but when I went in for the actual docking there was no target reticule on the normal 3d view. I had speed set to target so I definitely targeted the correct ship. I managed to dock anyway but not being able to see the distance and I just don't like when things don't work like they're supposed to any1 ever had this happen or know of a way to fix it?
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