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Everything posted by prom3theus

  1. Why am I picturing a large green mucous based lifeform that fights Godzilla when I read the title of this vehicle? Oh wait. Because it's called Snotra. > Seriously, this has got to be one of the best examples of something not coming across in English as the creator thinks it does! To OP, you may wish to consider renaming this. Snot is what little kids pick out their nose. Mothra and other suffix's of 'ra' are applied to the names of giant monsters in Japanese sci-fi and has become a cliche naming convention used by anyone wanting to take the piss out of Godzilla or that genre of giant monsters. So combined ... you get Snotra, a giant monsterous booger who fights Godzilla and destroys Tokyo. > I laughed so hard when I saw this things name! I'm sure it's something meaningful but I just wanted you to know that most English speakers are thinking this when they see this name! And we will struggle to get that image out of our heads! If that WAS / IS what you're going for though then you absolutely nailed it (I can't really dismiss the possibility that you were intentionally making a joke!)
  2. How to use: Step 1: Launch the delivery into a primary parking orbit with an inclination of 0° Step 2: Raise the apoapsis to the height of the targeted orbit Step 3: Raise periapsis, so the orbital period equals 5/6 of the target orbital period (Formula) Step 4: Release one satellite at each apoapsis and circularize its orbit, so you get your satellites evenly distributed around the equator Step 5: Change the inclination of the satellites. Therefore you execute this clockwise every 1/3 period of circulation, so none of the satellites share the same orbital plane but two do share their polar angle. ... Therefore you execute this clockwise every 1/3 period of circulation, so none of the satellites share the same orbital plane but two do share their polar angle. ... What's a 1/3 period of circulation, and how do you judge (or more importantly, measure) it?
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