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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Wow, forgot the picture. Here http://prntscr.com/1qd0o8
  2. Yeah, it flies pretty well. But, like some of my other designs.. It wont take off until it "falls off" the runway, or according to my friend who was experimenting with it, retract the gear. I'm guessing that's just poor angle of attack though. Whats up with the Pwings is when I hover over where I want them to be placed, it shows what I believe to be the correct CoL. Then when I actually place them, it shifts, normally backwards. Here is a pic with me just hovering. Ill try the intake suggestion in a bit, and get back to you on it.
  3. I am using 1 SABRE-M. I switch to rocket before I run out of intake air. The angle of attack issue occurred to me, but it doesn't flip out when running on jets. Could it be because the rocket is just that much more powerful? I seem to get about the same amount of thrust. Sorry for the confusion... Its still puzzling me. I managed to get a tiny little SSTO into orbit, but I plan on adapting this design further once I know its capable of orbit. Thanks guys.
  4. First things first, I'm new to the forums, so sorry if I got anything wrong. I have had KSP for a while now and have bad prety bad luck with SSTOs. I feel like this one has a chance, and it flies amazingly, but there's one problem. When I run out of intakeair, and need to switch the SABRE over to Rocket Mode, the spacecraft starts doing death flips:huh:. The COM is towards the back, but way in front of the COL. Although I don't trust COL measures with Pwings. It seems suspicious... I do not have FAR installed, by the way, unfortunately. My friend doesn't want it and we try to keep the same mods. Ill post the .craft if you think you need it, but here's some screenshots. http://prntscr.com/1q2rp7 http://prntscr.com/1q2s5c Thanks in advance, and apologies for my stupidity.
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