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Posts posted by ola

  1. On 12/17/2020 at 10:46 AM, Gotmachine said:

    We already have that : https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/wiki/PlayGuide-~-Resources

    The stock ISRU options don't exists in Kerbalism.

    And stress. And LS resources supplies. And reliability.

    Of course I'm talking about default Kerbalism difficulty, and without mods that make make things too easy (hypothetical overpowerful engines or deepfreeze for example).
    Even at the easiest settings, manned missions that take more than a few years are almost impossible in practice.

    I daresay that radiation is the biggest concern of all the above mentioned. The rest of them are all solvable by the ancient and true KSP maxim "add more boosters". Radiation, however, seems to be way more difficult to handle once mission durations are above a year or so. With chemical plants, greenhouses and so forth, it's possible to save up on several years' worth of LS resources. Stress is easily relievable with enough living space and "toys". Radiation seems impossible to manage, even with active shields, max passive shielding and a properly oriented craft with a huge tank at the correct end. And those RDUs don't seem to matter much.

    But it's a small price to pay for the enormous increase in playability.

  2. On 7/31/2018 at 12:27 PM, Clinton said:

    Ascent Guidance didn't work for me with 1.4.5 (in particular, whilst staging would work there was no yawing/pitching etc) so I downgraded back to 1.4.4 and it worked fine again.

    Just a warning to others. 

    Ascent Guidance (and other things) were broken for me as well, until I upgraded FAR to the latest unofficial release. The new version of MFI seems to have done the trick.

  3. On 2016-04-04 at 2:46 PM, ferram4 said:

    And likely in the process break tons of things out of ignorance of how FAR works, as is common when people rush to release "fixes" of open source mods because they're impatient.

    You know, for a bunch of people looking at the source code, you're all really terrible at reading the branches that are there.  Maybe one of them is relevant to what you're after.  Maybe it works when you grab all the other updated dependencies.  Maybe it doesn't, and I'm just trolling.  Who knows?  All I know is there's no support for it and you're on your own for putting it together.

    Some nice additions there, including the commented-out code. *cough cough* https://github.com/ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/compare/KSP_update 

    Edit: this

    - string msg = String.Format("[{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}] {3} failed due to aerodynamic stresses.", FlightLogger.met_hours, FlightLogger.met_mins, FlightLogger.met_secs, part.partInfo.title);
    + string msg = String.Format("[{0}] {1} failed due to aerodynamic stresses.", KSPUtil.PrintTimeStamp(FlightLogger.met), part.partInfo.title);

    is actually turning out to be one of my favourite changes thus far.

  4. On 2016-03-03 at 6:25 PM, CyberFoxx said:

    Not sure if this is a problem on CKAN's end, or SpaceDock's end, so I'll be posting this in both threads:

    $ ./ckan.exe install CustomClusters --verbose
    311 [1] INFO CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass (null) - Verbose logging enabled
    367 [1] INFO CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass (null) - Using KSP install at /home/cyberfoxx/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program
    2748 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ModuleManager.2.6.20.dll, it belongs to ModuleManager
    2748 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering PartIconFixer_1_2 from GameData/PartIconFixer_1_2.dll
    2749 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/000_FilterExtensions/FilterExtensions.dll, it belongs to FilterExtensions
    2756 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/000_Toolbar/Toolbar.dll, it belongs to Toolbar
    2757 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/000_USITools/DynamicTanks.dll, it belongs to USITools
    2757 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/000_USITools/USITools.dll, it belongs to USITools
    2774 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ASET/ASET_Props/Plugin/ASETPropsIdentifier.dll, it belongs to ASETProps
    2776 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/AntennaRange/ARVoidPanel.dll, it belongs to AntennaRange
    2776 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/AntennaRange/AntennaRange.dll, it belongs to AntennaRange
    2776 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering AstrotechUtilities from GameData/Astrotech/AstrotechUtilities.dll
    2776 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering CareerLite from GameData/Astrotech/CareerLite/plugins/CareerLite.dll
    2777 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/AutoRove/AutoRove.dll, it belongs to AutoRove
    2777 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/BahaSP/Plugins/BDAnimationModules.dll, it belongs to BDAnimationModules
    2778 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/BetterBurnTime/BetterBurnTime.dll, it belongs to BetterBurnTime
    2779 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/CapCom/CapCom.dll, it belongs to CapCom
    2780 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractConfigurator/CC_RemoteTech.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator
    2780 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractConfigurator/ContractConfigurator.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator
    2780 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractConfigurator/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator
    2784 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractPacks/AnomalySurveyor/AnomalySurveyor.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor
    2786 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractPacks/KFiles/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator-KFiles
    2786 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractPacks/KerbinSpaceStation/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation
    2787 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractPacks/Spacetux/UnmannedContracts/UnmannedContracts.dll, it belongs to ContractConfigurator-UnmannedContracts
    2788 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ContractsWindow/ContractsWindow.dll, it belongs to ContractsWindowPlus
    2856 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/CryoEngines/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to CryoEngines
    2857 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/CryoTanks/Plugins/SimpleBoiloff.dll, it belongs to CryoTanks
    2857 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/CustomBarnKit/CustomBarnKit.dll, it belongs to CustomBarnKit
    2857 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DMagicOrbitalScience/Plugins/DMagic.dll, it belongs to DMagicOrbitalScience
    2861 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DPSoundFX/Plugins/DockingSounds.dll, it belongs to DockingSounds
    2861 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DefaultActionGroups/DefaultActionGroups.dll, it belongs to DefaultActionGroups
    2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DeployableEngines/Plugins/DeployableEngines.dll, it belongs to DeployableEngines
    2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/AGExt/AGExt.dll, it belongs to AGExt
    2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/AGExt/kOSVoidAction.dll, it belongs to AGExt
    2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/ActsEW/ActsEW.dll, it belongs to ActsEW
    2862 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/AutoAction/AutoAction.dll, it belongs to AutoAction
    2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Diazo/LandingHeight/LandingHeight.dll, it belongs to LandingHeight
    2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/DistantObject/DistantObject.dll, it belongs to DistantObject
    2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EVAEnhancements/EVAEnhancements.dll, it belongs to EVAEnhancements
    2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EVAManager/EVAManager.dll, it belongs to EVAManager
    2863 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EVA_OK/EVA_OK.dll, it belongs to EVAOK
    2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EditorExtensionsRedux/EditorExtensionsRedux.dll, it belongs to EditorExtensionsRedux
    2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EditorExtensionsRedux/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to EditorExtensionsRedux
    2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EngineLight/EngineLight.dll, it belongs to EngineLighting
    2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EngineLight/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to EngineLighting
    2864 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnhancedNavBall/Plugins/EnhancedNavBall.dll, it belongs to EnhancedNavBall
    2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/Atmosphere.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
    2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/CelestialShadows.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
    2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/CityLights.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
    2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/EVEManager.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
    2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/PQSManager.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
    2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/ShaderLoader.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
    2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/Terrain.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
    2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/Plugins/Utils.dll, it belongs to EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
    2865 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/FieldExperience/FieldExperience.dll, it belongs to FieldExperience
    2866 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.dll, it belongs to FirespitterCore
    2866 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/FlagRotate/FlagRotate.dll, it belongs to FlagRotate
    2866 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/GCMonitor/GCMonitor.dll, it belongs to GCMonitor
    2866 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/GravityTurn/Plugins/GravityTurn.dll, it belongs to GravityTurn
    2867 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HangarGrid/Plugins/HangarGrid.dll, it belongs to HangarGrid
    2869 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HeatControl/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to HeatControl
    2871 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HideEmptyTechNodes/HideEmptyTechNodes.dll, it belongs to HideEmptyTechNodes
    2871 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HotSpot/Plugins/HotSpot.dll, it belongs to HotSpot
    2872 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/HullCameraVDS/Plugins/HullCamera.dll, it belongs to HullcamVDS
    2873 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Plugins/InterstellarFuelSwitch.dll, it belongs to InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core
    2873 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core
    2873 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Plugins/Scale_Redist.dll, it belongs to InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core
    2876 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Plugins/RasterPropMonitor.dll, it belongs to RasterPropMonitor-Core
    2877 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KAS/Plugins/KAS.dll, it belongs to KAS
    2877 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KAS/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to KAS
    2880 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KIS/Plugins/KIS.dll, it belongs to KIS
    2880 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KIS/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to KIS
    2881 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KSP-AVC/KSP-AVC.dll, it belongs to KSP-AVC
    2883 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalAtomics/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to KerbalAtomics
    2883 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalEngineer/KerbalEngineer.dll, it belongs to KerbalEngineerRedux
    2883 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalEngineer/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to KerbalEngineerRedux
    2884 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement/Plugin/KerbalJointReinforcement.dll, it belongs to KerbalJointReinforcement
    2885 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalKonstructs/KerbalKonstructs.dll, it belongs to KerbalKonstructs
    2890 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalRenamer/plugins/Renamer.dll, it belongs to KerbalRenamer
    2890 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerbalStats/Plugins/KerbalStats.dll, it belongs to KerbalStats
    2890 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Kerbaltek/HyperEdit_1.4.2.dll, it belongs to HyperEdit
    2891 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/KerboKatzUtilities.dll, it belongs to KerboKatzUtilities
    2891 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/CraftHistory/CraftHistory.dll, it belongs to CraftHistory
    2892 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/ForScienceContinued/ForScienceContinued.dll, it belongs to ForScienceContinued
    2894 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/RecoverAll/RecoverAll.dll, it belongs to RecoverAll
    2894 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/SmallUtilities/AutoBalancingLandingLeg/AutoBalancingLandingLeg.dll, it belongs to KerboKatzSmallUtilities-AutoBalancingLandingLeg
    2894 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/SmallUtilities/FillSpotsWithTourists/FillSpotsWithTourists.dll, it belongs to KerboKatzSmallUtilities-FillSpotsWithTourists
    2895 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/KerboKatz/SmallUtilities/PhysicalTimeRatioViewer/PhysicalTimeRatioViewer.dll, it belongs to KerboKatzSmallUtilities-PhysicalTimeRatioViewer
    2895 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal/Plugins/km_Gimbal.dll, it belongs to KlockheedMartian-Gimbal
    2895 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering KspPlayers from GameData/KspPlayers/KspPlayers.dll
    2896 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering MiniAVC from GameData/KspPlayers/MiniAVC.dll
    2897 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/LightsOut/LightsOut.dll, it belongs to LightsOut
    2900 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/InfernalRobotics.dll, it belongs to InfernalRobotics
    2900 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to InfernalRobotics
    2900 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/Scale_Redist.dll, it belongs to InfernalRobotics
    2903 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/MechJeb2/Plugins/MechJeb2.dll, it belongs to MechJeb2
    2910 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NRAP/Plugins/NRAP.dll, it belongs to KerbalNRAP
    2912 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/DPAI_RPM.dll, it belongs to DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
    2912 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/DockingPortAlignment.dll, it belongs to DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
    2912 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
    2912 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/ModuleDockingNodeNamed.dll, it belongs to DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
    2915 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureConstruction/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFutureConstruction
    2918 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureElectrical/Plugins/NearFutureElectrical.dll, it belongs to NearFutureElectrical-Core
    2918 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureElectrical/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFutureElectrical
    2929 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFuturePropulsion/Plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to NearFuturePropulsion
    2929 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFuturePropulsion/Plugins/NearFuturePropulsion.dll, it belongs to NearFuturePropulsion
    2930 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFuturePropulsion/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFuturePropulsion
    2931 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureSolar/Plugins/NearFutureSolar.dll, it belongs to NearFutureSolar-Core
    2931 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureSolar/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFutureSolar
    2933 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/NearFutureSpacecraft/Versioning/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to NearFutureSpacecraft
    2933 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Nereid/FinalFrontier/Plugins/FinalFrontier.dll, it belongs to FinalFrontier
    2945 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Nereid/S.A.V.E/Plugins/S.A.V.E.dll, it belongs to SAVE
    2947 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PartCommander/PartCommander.dll, it belongs to PartCommander
    2948 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PlanetShine/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to PlanetShine
    2948 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PlanetShine/Plugins/PlanetShine.dll, it belongs to PlanetShine
    2954 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PlanetaryBaseInc/Plugins/PlanetarySurfaceStructures.dll, it belongs to KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems
    2955 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PortraitStats/PortraitStats.dll, it belongs to PortraitStats
    2956 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/PreciseNode/plugins/PreciseNode.dll, it belongs to PreciseNode
    2956 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProceduralFairings/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to ProceduralFairings
    2956 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProceduralFairings/ProceduralFairings.dll, it belongs to ProceduralFairings
    2958 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProceduralParts/Plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to ProceduralParts
    2958 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProceduralParts/Plugins/ProceduralParts.dll, it belongs to ProceduralParts
    2958 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ProgressParser/ProgressParser.dll, it belongs to ProgressParser
    2958 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuantumStrutsContinued/Plugins/QuantumStrutsContinued.dll, it belongs to QuantumStrutsContinued
    2959 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickBrake/Plugins/QuickBrake.dll, it belongs to QuickBrake
    2959 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickExit/Plugins/QuickExit.dll, it belongs to QuickExit
    2959 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickScroll/Plugins/QuickScroll.dll, it belongs to QuickScroll
    2959 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickSearch/Plugins/QuickSearch.dll, it belongs to QuickSearch
    2960 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/QuickSearch/Plugins/QuickSearch2.dll, it belongs to QuickSearch
    2960 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/RCSBuildAid/Plugins/RCSBuildAid.dll, it belongs to RCSBuildAid
    2960 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/RCSBuildAid/Plugins/RCSBuildAidToolbar.dll, it belongs to RCSBuildAid
    2960 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to AmpYearPowerManager
    2961 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/Plugins/AYInterfaces.dll, it belongs to AmpYearPowerManager
    2961 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/Plugins/AmpYear.dll, it belongs to AmpYearPowerManager
    2962 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to DeepFreeze
    2963 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/Plugins/DFInterface.dll, it belongs to DeepFreeze
    2963 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/Plugins/DeepFreeze.dll, it belongs to DeepFreeze
    2963 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/DeepFreeze/Plugins/SMInterface.dll, it belongs to DeepFreeze
    2964 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/REPOSoftTech/KabinKraziness/Plugins/KKInterfaces.dll, it belongs to AmpYearPowerManager
    2969 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/RcsSounds/Plugins/RcsSounds.dll, it belongs to RCSSounds
    2970 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/RealChute/Plugins/RealChute.dll, it belongs to RealChute
    2980 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SCANsat/Plugins/SCANmechjeb.dll, it belongs to SCANsat
    2980 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SCANsat/Plugins/SCANsat.dll, it belongs to SCANsat
    2981 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SETIcontracts/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to SETI-Contracts
    2981 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SETIrebalance/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to SETI-BalanceMod
    2985 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ShipManifest/Plugins/CLSInterfaces.dll, it belongs to ShipManifest
    2985 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ShipManifest/Plugins/SMInterface.dll, it belongs to ShipManifest
    2985 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ShipManifest/Plugins/ShipManifest.dll, it belongs to ShipManifest
    2986 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SimpleConstruction/Plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to SimpleConstruction
    2986 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SimpleConstruction/Plugins/Launchpad.dll, it belongs to SimpleConstruction
    2986 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SmartStage/Plugins/SmartStage.dll, it belongs to SmartStage
    2987 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SmokeScreen/SmokeScreen.dll, it belongs to SmokeScreen
    3027 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering KSPSteamCtrlr from GameData/Squad/Plugins/KSPSteamCtrlr.dll
    3027 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering Steamworks from GameData/Squad/Plugins/Steamworks.NET.dll
    3036 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StageRecovery/StageRecovery.dll, it belongs to StageRecovery
    3036 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/StockBugFixPlusController.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3036 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/InFlightHighlightOff/InFlightHighlightOff.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleAeroSurfacePlus/ModuleAeroSurfacePlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleControlSurfacePlus/ModuleControlSurfacePlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleGimbalPlus/ModuleGimbalPlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleParachutePlus/ModuleParachutePlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleProceduralFairingFix/ModuleProceduralFairingFix.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/ModuleWheelPlus/ModuleWheelPlus.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/PilotRSASFix/PilotRSASFix.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockBugFixPlus/SymmetryActionFix/SymmetryActionFix.dll, it belongs to StockBugFixPlus
    3037 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/StockClamshellFairings/StockClamshellFairings.dll, it belongs to StockClamshellFairings
    3038 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/SurfaceLights/SurfaceLights.dll, it belongs to surfacelights
    3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TacFuelBalancer/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to TacFuelBalancer
    3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TacFuelBalancer/TacFuelBalancer.dll, it belongs to TacFuelBalancer
    3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TakeCommand/TakeCommand.dll, it belongs to TakeCommand
    3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TarsierSpaceTech/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to TarsierSpaceTechnologyWithGalaxies
    3039 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TarsierSpaceTech/TarsierSpaceTech.dll, it belongs to TarsierSpaceTechnologyWithGalaxies
    3041 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TextureReplacer/Plugins/TextureReplacer.dll, it belongs to TextureReplacer
    3044 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ThrottleControlledAvionics/Plugins/ThrottleControlledAvionics.dll, it belongs to ThrottleControlledAvionics
    3044 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/ToadicusTools/ToadicusTools.dll, it belongs to ToadicusTools
    3044 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Trajectories/Plugin/Trajectories.dll, it belongs to Trajectories
    3044 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TreeToppler/TreeToppler.dll, it belongs to TreeToppler
    3045 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TriggerTech/KSPAlternateResourcePanel/KSPAlternateResourcePanel.dll, it belongs to AlternateResourcePanel
    3047 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TriggerTech/KerbalAlarmClock/KerbalAlarmClock.dll, it belongs to KerbalAlarmClock
    3049 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TriggerTech/TransferWindowPlanner/TransferWindowPlanner.dll, it belongs to TransferWindowPlanner
    3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakScale/plugins/KSPAPIExtensions.dll, it belongs to TweakScale
    3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakScale/plugins/Scale.dll, it belongs to TweakScale
    3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakScale/plugins/Scale_Editor.dll, it belongs to TweakScale
    3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakScale/plugins/Scale_Redist.dll, it belongs to TweakScale
    3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableControlSurfaces.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3051 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableDockingNode.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableEVA.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableFuelPumps.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableGimbals.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableIntakes.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableParachutes.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableReactionWheels.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableSAS.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3052 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/TweakableEverything/TweakableSolarPanels.dll, it belongs to TweakableEverything
    3056 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/Karbonite.dll, it belongs to Karbonite
    3058 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/KarbonitePlus/KarbPlus.dll, it belongs to KarbonitePlus
    3059 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kolonization/KolonyTools.dll, it belongs to USI-UKS-Shared
    3061 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport/USILifeSupport.dll, it belongs to USI-LS
    3063 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/SrvPack/AirbagTools.dll, it belongs to USI-SRV
    3063 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/SrvPack/Lifeboat.dll, it belongs to USI-SRV
    3065 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/WarpDrive/WarpEngine.dll, it belongs to AlcubierreStandalone
    3065 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/UnmannedBeforeManned/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to UnmannedBeforeManned
    3080 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/VesselMover/VesselMover.dll, it belongs to VesselMover
    3081 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WasdEditorCamera/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to WasdEditorCameraContinued
    3081 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WasdEditorCamera/Plugins/WasdEditorCamera.dll, it belongs to WasdEditorCameraContinued
    3081 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WaypointManager/WaypointManager.dll, it belongs to WaypointManager
    3082 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WheelSounds/Plugins/WheelSounds.dll, it belongs to RoverWheelSounds
    3085 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Plugins/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to WildBlueTools
    3085 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Plugins/WildBlueTools.dll, it belongs to WildBlueTools
    3089 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Registering Buffalo from GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Buffalo/Plugins/Buffalo.dll
    3094 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Plugins/Pathfinder.dll, it belongs to Pathfinder
    3095 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/Workshop/Plugins/Workshop.dll, it belongs to Workshop
    3096 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/[x] Science!/MiniAVC.dll, it belongs to xScience
    3096 [1] INFO CKAN.Registry (null) - Not registering GameData/[x] Science!/[x] Science!.dll, it belongs to xScience
    3505 [1] INFO CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Resolving relationships for CustomClusters
    3505 [1] INFO CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Resolving dependencies for CustomClusters
    3509 [1] INFO CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Resolving relationships for CustomClusters
    3509 [1] INFO CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Resolving dependencies for CustomClusters
    About to install...
     * Custom Clusters 0.53.1
    Continue? [Y/n] y
    Downloading "https://ckan1.spacedock.info/storage/Randazzo_9223/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip" (libcurl)
    4980 [1] INFO CKAN.Curl (null) - Using curl-ca bundle: (none)
    5568 [8] INFO CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader (null) - Error downloading https://ckan1.spacedock.info/storage/Randazzo_9223/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip: CKAN.Kraken: SslPeerCertificate
    5569 [8] INFO CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader (null) - All files finished downloading
    Failed to download "https://ckan1.spacedock.info/storage/Randazzo_9223/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip" - error: SslPeerCertificate
    One or more files failed to download, stopped.

    And just as a test, I tried with using curl from the command line:

    $ curl -sv https://ckan1.spacedock.info/storage/Randazzo_9223/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design/Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip -o Custom_Clusters_-_More_freedom_in_engine_design-0.53.1.zip
    *   Trying
    * Connected to ckan1.spacedock.info ( port 443 (#0)
    * ALPN, offering http/1.1
    * Cipher selection: ALL:!EXPORT:!EXPORT40:!EXPORT56:!aNULL:!LOW:!RC4:@STRENGTH
    * successfully set certificate verify locations:
    *   CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
      CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
    * TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
    } [512 bytes data]
    * TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
    { [61 bytes data]
    * TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
    { [3349 bytes data]
    * TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
    { [589 bytes data]
    * TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
    { [4 bytes data]
    * TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
    } [70 bytes data]
    * TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
    } [1 bytes data]
    * TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
    } [16 bytes data]
    * TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
    { [1 bytes data]
    * TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
    { [16 bytes data]
    * SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
    * ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
    * Server certificate:
    * 	 subject: C=DE; CN=i.52k.de; [email protected]
    * 	 start date: Mar 24 02:00:07 2015 GMT
    * 	 expire date: Mar 23 18:41:38 2016 GMT
    * 	 subjectAltName does not match ckan1.spacedock.info
    * SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'ckan1.spacedock.info'
    * Closing connection 0
    * TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS alert, Client hello (1):
    } [2 bytes data]

    If I'm reading it right, curl/libcurl is saying that SpaceDock doesn't have a valid SSL cert entry for ckan1.spacedock.info. I had just switched from using OpenSSL to LibreSSL, so it might be a bit more strict on this.

    Just thought I'd bring this up and hopefully there is some sort of fix to be had...

    I'm still seeing this, to be honest.

    No, I'm not. This is what I see:

    Downloading "https://spacedock.info/mod/198/Throttle Controlled Avionics/download/" (libcurl)
    3220 [1] INFO CKAN.Curl (null) - Using curl-ca bundle: (none)
    3551 [8] INFO CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader (null) - Finished downloading https://spacedock.info/mod/198/Throttle Controlled Avionics/download/
    3551 [8] INFO CKAN.NetAsyncDownloader (null) - All files finished downloading
    Installing mod "ThrottleControlledAvionics"
    Unhandled Exception:
    CKAN.FileNotFoundKraken: Trying to install ThrottleControlledAvionics, but it's not downloaded or download is corrupted

    This happens regardless of the mod I'm trying to download from Spaceport. All files from SP end up as zero-byte length. I'll fool around a bit more to see if I get the same from non-SP mods. If so I'll just delete this post.

    Edit: it works fine for mods from github. I'm on Mac OS X, if that helps.

  5. I've got loads of memory and I run KSP on 64 bit so memory for me isn't an issue.

    If I don't like a texture for something, I'll make one. :)

    But these, as I said, look very pretty.

    I's a shame they feel and behave so clunky.

    I too run 64 bit KSP, but memory starts to be an issue when the KSP process starts getting over, say, 10 GB memory or so. All of a sudden all those huge tracts of memory starts taking quite a long time to traverse, and the game slows down considerably. :)

  6. I think already-launched/saved vessels will keep their old settings, which would mean no ullage on previous engines. PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP THOUGH! I'm not sure of that, so don't bank on your save being ok. But if you test that, let us know.

    The previously launched engines all seem to need settling and their ignitor count is reset to the engine max. The centrifugal settling technique seems to work fine, however.

  7. Ha! Yeah, that's why I linked it. Random post buried in a long thread that perfectly explains the question; yeah, never gonna find it! :wink: But yeah, his explanation is good. You can turn it off if you want to, but that'd be a nice MM patch.

    I have a save game which I've put >100 hrs in, all of a sudden all those probes headed everywhere and anywhere need ullage. Maybe I -should- consider turning it off...

  8. None of my old SSTOs work in NuFAR! They all undergo aerodynamic failure. This is great!

    (they never reached orbit in OldFAR, but they were capable of supersonic velocities)

    So...your old ideas won't work, and you're happy. Only in KSP, people! :)

    I might give nuFAR a swirl later tonight, it seems awesome. I wonder if I might just check out the git repo at the Right place and update it as stuff changes.

  9. There are a couple of things that spring to mind when I read this. First off, this is a really good game when played stock. What makes it a superduperliciously great game, is the modding community. All them mods is what makes this game shine. When the developers implement features that previously have been provided by mods, I have rather high expectations - because I think the game is so good. This especially happens when they implement stuff that previously has been provided by great mods, like FAR and DRE. Personally, I cannot fathom why you would want to play this game stock, when it is so much better with mods. :)

    Having said that, I'd like to point out that I really prefer when the developers implement stuff, even though it might have been implemented well in a mod. Mods are still bolt-ons, even though some of them are very pretty bolt-ons.

    Secondly, this is the 1.0 release. The game is supposed to be finished. Another thing that raises the bar, so to speak.

  10. While I agree there's plenty of tweaking Squad has on its plate now that 1.0's released, you guys all saying, "My approaches aren't working, something must be broken. I'm real familiar with NEAR/FAR/whatever, so I'd know," is just hilarious.

    Like, spend more than 24 hours with the update and learn how it handles before you cry broken.

    Or we can wait until the developers and/or the community fixes a rather obvious bug. Your choice. :D

  11. Okay. I just imagined that they were thick and heavy or something. A ton would probably have been a massive exaggeration anyway.

    You should really look at how SpaceX manufactures the heat shield for the Dragon capsule, it is quite cool. :D

    But I digress. I'll watch the SpaceX launch and go to sleep and hope that the modders have caught up in the CEST morning, so I can continue to avoid anything stock. :)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Okay. I just imagined that they were thick and heavy or something. A ton would probably have been a massive exaggeration anyway.

    - - - Updated - - -

    As for the chutes not ripping apart, they did that in 0.90, they won't rip apart even if you reenter at 14k m/s.

    Unless you use mods made by someone close to frighteningly gifted. Yes, NathanKell, I'm looking at you.

  12. Heat shields? The Mercury capsule heat shield (1.9 meters in diameter) had a mass of 272 kg. I'm sure we have lighter, better heat shields nowadays.

    So, no...not a ton.

    It was made out of beryllium though, the Gemini heat shield was much lighter at 144 Kg and the first U.S. capsule which used glass fibre/phenolic resin. Still, both shields were heavier than the massless ones in KSP stock. ;)

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