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Everything posted by ekim98

  1. Macey dean got me in. So glad he's back!!!
  2. You can actually blow up the launch facility if you use wack-a-kerbal in the VAB.
  3. Insertion Burn This is a safer, wider area of attack and if the fusion cores do malfunction, then they can just continue on the free return trajectory anyway. It's not like the crew on Duna have any chance of survival anyway.they are most likely dead or soon will be. and if they aren't, then jeb doesn't have to worry about them. KSC can just send a shuttle for them later.
  4. I don't get it, my FPS is actually slower than ever before, and I have no mods or anything
  5. I've been working on a station. still pretty simple, but it looks great! In the process, I caught some pretty kerbal faces
  6. Bill: Hey Jeb, I have an issue here. Jeb: What is it? don't tell me the battle destroyers are dead. Bill, nope, in fact quite the contrary...the battle cruiser found the station, alive and kicking. he tried to destroy it, but then realized what it was, so it transferred it's fuel to it and is now providing support. the docking port however was too small so he could not fill the station all the way up, but its a little over half full. Jeb: hm... I guess that means that the shuttle just spontaneously combusted. How are the crew members? Bill: they're fine, a little creeped out that they had been given up for dead., and pretty sad that KASA is unfunded. Jeb: I would think so. How are the other assets? Bill: well we deorbited all the space junk. confirmed crashes and destruction on all assets. Jeb: Including the manned missions, well mission. the spaceplane that was there. what about that? Bill: Well it was deorbited, pilated excelently, stalled on the final approach, and then crashed. Jerney Kerman survived. we've recovered him too! Jeb: great! How have the other plans gone? Bill: well we launched a miner unit into space and it refueled at the mun and then it refueled the station so it is almost full again. Jeb: and the miner? Bill: well the pilot went for a stay in the station, and the vehicle is about to crash into the ocean Jeb: great! see you soon. I need to talk to Philney, then Quin. And finally Bob We have a training run to the moon! ....In the Astronaut complex break room.... Jeb: Hey Bob, we have it confirmed, in 30 days you and I are going to the moon for a test run! Bob: great, why the delay? Jeb: we need to wait for the reusable launch vehicle to be assembled and then we need to wait for our lander and another crew cabin on the station to be put up. Bob: oh... okay then, see you. I have some more simulations to run. .... In the VAB.... Jeb: Hey! Rodney, Quin, and Philney! I need you for a sec! Quin: hey Jeb! whats the matter? Jeb: I want to know how close to a reusable launch system you are? Quin: its coming, just sorting out the staging and how much payload we can put on it. then its going to be ready. Jeb: great. Quin and Rodney, you can go. Philney, I need to tell you that the station has been found. Now we need another crew module and fuel tank with some solar panels. Also, it may be good to actually put some communications on that so we can actually communicate with the station. Phinlney: On it Jeb! and good luck on the mun next munth.
  7. Prologue: Gene Kerman: Ladies and gentlemen of the aeronautics and space divisions of KASA, I regret to announce that we have lost all funding, government and the public, for of our agency due to their concerns over our safety standards. They claim that we are not thorough in our testing before Kerbal use, and here they cite the following grievances: Space station critical fuel levels, the station-shuttle collision, the five attempts at an SSTO, and most importantly, the Duna return Catastrophe. This has put us at the losses of eleven kerbals by their reckoning, not including the tests they have no idea about, like the Mun Landers, the ships that have depressurized and sent the kerbal into the atmosphere, and the launch failures due to the lack of Duck Tape on holding the ships together. https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/942512_265155763624210_2029806708_n.jpg By my reckoning, that puts us back 51 kerbals. This is not to say we have achieved nothing! We have two battle cruisers in orbit, six satellites scattered around the system at Jool, Eve, Minmus, Mun, and two at Kerbin. We have landed at, and returned from Duna, with a little hitch, and had a functioning station in orbit until recently. However, other than these assets, we do not have enough funds to maintain our fleet of spacecraft in orbit. Yesterday, we committed folly. Today we destroy, the depressurized crafts, the capsules, everything. Tomorrow we rebuild. We will find survivors of the station with our battle cruisers, Launch a new station core and refuel it, and begin to reach for the moons, and then the planets, and then the stars. We will gain the public’s trust and will regain our former glory. Thank you friends, and may KASA last for many years to come. [exits] Philney: my last count was 76 kerbals... robdrey: 108 was mine. Jebediah: Alright guys, we're on a budget cut, right? So Rodrey, Quin, get working on a reusable launch system, and may I suggest some parts from my scrapyard, like an SRB or two, or ten. Philney, you take a team to design a new station with a few compatible payloads of fuel. Bill, I want you to take control up in the skies. oversee the deorbiting of all the excess space junk. Elkrie, actually research the aerobraking heights this time. Bob, get in the simulator, we're going to be on the first payload to the space station.
  8. Go to Jool, then defect when they have the AMU2. And then land on Laythe and live there
  9. same here. I've played for quite some time, but hey, Forums sound fun!
  10. https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/300555_265156253624161_129775002_n.jpg https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/942949_265156300290823_202713542_n.jpg You are not going home Jeb... https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p206x206/9897_266077323532054_963965571_n.jpg
  11. Got to the moon, broke my landing legs, so when it went home...
  12. Same, I was reading it late at night when my family was asleep, and that thing freeked me out I had to remind mysself, "Hey what can the Kerbals do to you?" Then I remembered I had a station planning to lift off the next day... The Kerbals destroyed it.
  13. https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/602681_289978811141905_1030413789_n.jpg
  14. first ship to Minmus orbit https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/602681_289978811141905_1030413789_n.jpg
  15. Neil Armstrong Memorial https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1075796_289494131190373_1385712427_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1069190_289494134523706_1674366572_n.jpg https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/1069326_289494157857037_529010735_n.jpg https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/544430_289494097857043_1434899062_n.jpg
  16. my first mun landing: I felt so proud https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/432180_265152706957849_2059854554_n.jpg
  17. My Cadmos Class Battle cruiser Mk 1 Joolrise over laythe
  18. Ladies and gentlemen, czokletmuss has done it again! thank you.
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