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Everything posted by Brigs

  1. That is probably the best part designing I have seen as of yet. Honestly great job and keep up the creativity.
  2. Amazing job on the 'Flying Delta Wing'. Not only is it easy to handle and land, but I also managed to drive it on land for about 1km over to the shore, where it then functioned as a successful boat.
  3. I graduated top of my class at the University of Poontang. Does that count? 8)
  4. Fantastic! Two additions that I really wanted. Keep up the good work.
  5. That gave me the idea of rovers. How awesome would it be to send a rover to another planet, be able to find and pick a spot, then use the rover to start constructing a base which you could eventually send Kerbal colonists.. :w00t:
  6. You can always just aim at the purple circle on the nav ball to see where the launch pad is as well.
  7. Or in the future we could travel to other planets and put cushions on supply crates and just drop them with parachutes.
  8. This one is essentially for steering whilst in orbit then?
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