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Bottle Rocketeer
for now all of the sugestions are acepted and the mesh is it correct. all of these 1. The overall shape of the module doesn't match the ALCOR capsule. If you can make the side faces to match ALCOR design, it will fit better; 2. The ALCOR capsule have a lower, downfacing window that gets blocked by your module. If you can, make it as not blocking the view; 3. Tweak the attachment areas above and below the pod. The area above is slightly larger/wider than 1.25m. The area below is smaller than 1.25m but larger than 0.625m; 4. Make the attachment area underneath recessed into the pod, that would allow users to put a taller engine and still maintain clearance; 5. Add one more landing leg, making it 4, that way none of the legs are below the capsule window or below the airlock.
i am sorry it is my bad english. jejeje, it comes whit config for stock liquid fuel + oxidicer and whit another config for realfuels.
what you want? I think fuel is the logic selection, but i can include another config actually it become whit realfuels confif, and no engine atm, this allow to set it for another propeller, but not sure. this is my first mod. but includind a set of engines, that let you chose what propeller you want to use.
yes, it is fuel. " 1. The overall shape of the module doesn't match the ALCOR capsule. If you can make the side faces to match ALCOR design, it will fit better; 2. The ALCOR capsule have a lower, downfacing window that gets blocked by your module. If you can, make it as not blocking the view; 3. Tweak the attachment areas above and below the pod. The area above is slightly larger/wider than 1.25m. The area below is smaller than 1.25m but larger than 0.625m; 4. Make the attachment area underneath recessed into the pod, that would allow users to put a taller engine and still maintain clearance; 5. Add one more landing leg, making it 4, that way none of the legs are below the capsule window or below the airlock. ok i take note on it. today i am reworked the mesh, when finished if i like it i put all your sugestion on it. thanks for the great analysis that you have performed on my work. I could not see those problems, so I really appreciate you.
ok, tanks, im sure the text comes from photoshop text and i do not work much in it, but i plan to refine totally the texture when the mesh are finished and polish.
tanks, already i am in some thinks to improbe the texture and model but not sure, if put on it a lot of work time. Now i am learnig soo much. and i apply this step by step.
you can now landi on moon whit no landing struct extra.
is it fuel and have a realfuels config if you use it
Wip Alcor Drop module fueltank This is my first atemp to make an addon, i start this proyect whit a very little skills. this is why, this being not quite like I wanted. as can be seen, it is not too bad. or at least that's what I think, At first I was modeling for my own use. But nowi was decide to share it with the community. well, I do not want to be weighed. Here you have some images, that ye may be able to decide if you want to download i am sorry for my bad english. The tank it is LFO configured and in the archive you have a realfuels config. if you use it. In the the future when i learn about how use animations i add a landig struct system and probably a 50 or 60 kn motor for it. Alcor Drop Capsule by Antonio Perez Saez is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional License. Download: http://www./download/5yfh7sefgtb1h61/Alcor_drop_module_tank.rar The tank now have landing struct embeded in the base structure. Current version 0.3 : Mech complete reworked. Now the down part of the tank fit whit 2,5m decoupler. and the top fit whit 1.25m. the mech now is simetric. the landing struct is in a box whit is gate to open close animation. actually doest work proper, not sure what cause this isue. the animation for the landing struck work but the gates, that is it the same - animation dont work. ummmm i need to see it whit more time. Now i put five nodes to atach engines.
hello and thanks for this great mod, I just install the new release of fasa pack, and test it, other awesome mod. but i see there are not suport for some tanks. it contains liquid oxigen + oxidicer and cant change it for nothing. I do not know if a bad installation on my part, or is there still no settings for this version. however logically or rather paradoxically, the engines are updated, as they use the new fuel, making it impossible to use the tanks because the fuel may not match. sorry for my grammar, English is not my native language and I do not have a good knowledge of it.
the zip is emty.
I think, you do not need a system for sending sequential type id. rather, it would send a single request to a reception slot, hence the request code would be analyzed by the cpu, and would be established as a priority, "in case of multiple requests" and would put in a queue for execution. In the case of delay, you should not complicate too much, you could implement in two ways. the first: this is the simplest, is to calculate the distance between transmitter and receiver and make a loop of delay or waiting to activate the signal at the receiver. the second is more elaborate, as it would treat the signal as an object in space, this object will be released at the speed of light and travel to the receiver. on arrival, this signal will behave like any regular transmission, creating a petition in the appropriate slot. sorry for my bad englih.
First , apologize for my bad English . after this, I will describe some ideas that I think would make this mod the best mod of all time and the most profitable. 1 transmission protocol to implement a simple, but real . for example , 16 -bit code identifying the ship, which sent the communication . date of shipment, date of receipt . Instead of sending and reception. time elapsed between shipment and arrival. and finally , the transmitted data. This would enable the use this mod to implement as a satellite to take photographs and send through the satellite network reception taking the game in a window . can see the received data and logging data transmission . to this, you can add, signal delay , signal interference , signal loss for several reasons: lack of satellite coverage , radiation , solar activity, etc. . you could also implement a voice chat service that uses this protocol and is affected by all the above , giving the mod , application, and uncommon depth . needless to say I have no idea of ​​the difficulty of a project like this. however I think it would be possible , having seen the level moding of this community. a greeting. Antonio Perez .