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  1. backup your \GameData\Squad folder,then delete those parts you don't need in test,if something goes wrong,just restore your backup,I guess.
  2. so make part and Collision mesh in 3dsmax,get node in 3dsmax and fill the CFG file,then import to Unity, export .mu file,then to game?I''ll try that way. can KSP part tools give me node coordinates like get_vector script?
  3. ok I realized that "no hige-light effect" and "node disappear" problem is my parts not actually attached together,although there WAS a snap when I put my parts together... I have two rectangle ship part,both have 6 nodes,1 each side.when I tried to attach one part's front node to the other's back node,only snap,no attach; I rotate my part and try,finally,the leftside node attached,and trun my ship to a cross. I tried everything I know,but still can't fix it. and,my parts still fall into ground about 1/4,I move, rotate,rescale the Collision mesh,nothing changede.
  4. first of all ,sorry for my english I'm making my parts with 3dsmax(2013),and export .DAE to game,there are some problems: 1.my parts don't have hige-light effect when mouse over them,looks like Collision mesh problem,but surface attach works fine. 2.when my part2 (with 4 nodes) stack to part1(with 2 nodes),other 3 nodes of part2 disappeared,part1 is fine;when surface attach,all nodes are fine. 3.when launched,aall my parts fall through ground about 1/4 4.node_vector give me lots of"e-007",like this: node_stack_back010 = 9.53674e-007, -0.999999, -5.96046e-007, 0.0, -1.0, -2.8213e-007 my Collision meshs are simple,like box or Hexagon.I don't know why this happen.please help.
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