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Everything posted by Finwolf

  1. My newest desing. The Low Orbit Science Station, or L.O.S.S. I'm quite new to station building, but I think this is going to turn out nice. I can give the .craft files if someone wants them. Just PM me.
  2. Night person. Huge satellite constallation or interplanetary command station?
  3. You know you play too much KSP when you try to fast forward youtube videos with "." Also when you decide to install that one mod after your 12h nightshift and find yourself playing the game 5 hours after you were supposed to go to sleep.
  4. Cthulhu. Seems to be more forgiving than the Kraken. Cold or hot?
  5. Error 404: Monkey filter not found. I strap the next poster to an infiniglider with duct tape and send them to the sun. Edit: Ninja'd
  6. Year 1003: Kerbals start the building of the Kerbal International Space Station.
  7. Red. Would you rather explore sol system with no ability to go anywhere else or the entire andromeda galaxy with no return to earth ever again? EDIT: You have an alcubierre drive but can't go to earth
  8. I was taking pilot errors into account. Also there are times when even the best crafts suffer a unintended rapid disassembly. Happened to me on a craft I had launched approx. 50 times. EDIT: With 0 failures before that. And it was not a pilot error.
  9. I allways doublecheck my staging and press f3 on the launchpad after physics take effect. That way I don't get that much problems.
  10. Over 70% reliability on all my ships built this year. 95% after I got my new computer (no lag with 800+ parts on a station and docking a 100 part ship). My heavy lifter (120t to 150x150 orbit) has not failed a single time.
  11. POWEEEEEERade. Would you rather get 100 million euros or a spaceship of your choice built AND desinged by Wernher von Kerman himself (warranty void if piloted by a human)?
  12. Chocolate ice cream. Would you rather be an astronaut or a kerbonaut (Jebs co-pilot)?
  13. Year 903: Kerbals discover that by placing potato glue to nacho-wraps they can repair leaks is rockets and bases. The first spacetape is invented.
  14. Banned for all possible and impossible reasons.
  15. I did a little test now that I have deadly re-entry installed and I've never had to do an emergency landing with this craft. Here's the results.
  16. Charlie Eppes. Banned because nothing is permanent.
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