Remember....this is Hollywood.....err...fantasyland where people leap over tall buildings in a single bound. For entertainment this movie is about as good as it gets. It is made for enjoyment and most of bring in the big bucks....Bruce Willis is a great action hero type and puts most of the others to shame. However, you must remember that in the movie world...anything is possible and only those mentally impaired take it seriously....remember when a group of people slept out on the sidewalk just to be sure they could get in to see Starwars? This mentality especially among the populace and many of the actors, gives reason for serious problems involving credibility....Extremely mediocre actors...yes....rational thinkers and the ability to reason...not a chance.....most of them are so impressed with themselves that they actually believe the crap and tripe that they espouse and support. Please don't take my word for it...just be thankful for the very few actors that have or have had any common sense and pray that there are more to come....want an example of really good actors....Paul Newman, Charleston Heston, Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne just to name a few (there are many more) real actors from the old school.... Today the number is greatly diminished e.g. Alec Baldwin, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Lopez, Dr. Phil, Oprah and on and's hard to believe that people take these idiots seriously but they do and they pay them absurd fees for nothing...all it takes is marketing and the right endorsements to succeed.... real talent is no longer a requirement....