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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Weird... I did not have any issues with all of my craft files, but I've never had a 500++ parts file, so this does not have to mean something But on the other hand, I did not implement any lazy loading techniques, so it might become a problem if your craft becomes bigger. I will definitly fix that with the next version Ups... never intended to have any german words in that program But yes you are right, I'm native german and so it might become a problem if you run it on another language that is not capable of displaying a certain character set. Normally I always use UTF-8 to avoid that, but I would have to lie if I say I did in that project as well Anyways this should not cause any layout issues other than having those characters not being displayed. As I said in the previous post, it is not impossible but currently it seems to be a lot of work (specially a lot of file handling within the code as you have to parse every single part.cfg) So before not having fixed the performance issue with huge craft files, I'm not gonna implement such a feature as it would only increase loading times... Anyways it is already a planned feature and maybe I'll also associate the .craft extension to the program, so you will also be able to open craft files via your windows explorer Thanks :-) As I said, the original intention to write it was to get an overview of action groups which currently is not yet supported. But anyways, if I find some time to continue this project, it surely will become very usefull for quite a couple of reasons, not only getting a summarize of your action groups but also for building / manipulating craft files without having to run KSP itself
  2. Thanks, thats exactly what I needed to start off Specially the github page seems to be a well better documentation than the wiki pages are, specially if it comes to coding something (unfortunally...) I already did some research in the api using the object browser, but with that overhelming mass of stuff in there it is impossible to get a good starting point just by looking into it. Maybe a nice class diagram on the wiki would help people like me starting off (if I have some spare time, I'll create one and surely share it with the community) Talking 'bout editor mods, I was looking for subassembly source files, but unfortunally did not find any... this seemed to be a good start for me, as subassembly also handles loading parts which might become handy some day. Any hints where the sources are hidden? Am I just to blind to find them?
  3. Any idea of how to hack into the ship editor? I was thinking about making some kind of economy mod (like actually add cash to the game and make use of the cost attribute of parts) but I have no idea on how to start, as there is no documentation on the VAB/SPH functionality nor does there seem to be any official api on that part of ksp.
  4. Hi jordanjey, its actually nice to see someone around who seems to have a use for my little tool Originally I planned to have something to see my action groups after having a vessel launched. But parsing craft files is a hell of a mess ... Anyways your feature request for having a diagram or something like that is in theory possible, specially if it comes to show which part is connected to what. But on the other hand that would require to somehow simulate the part modules or actually visually display them. Thats a lot of work for something that you actually can do by simply starting KSP and watching your vessel in the VAB/SPH. For the naming thing, in theory it would be possible to display the real part name. But in practical terms that would mean that you have to search for that part in the GameData folder and do that for every mod installed. Thats kinda mess, due to KSPs current serialization system of game objects. It would be far more easy if Squad would have included the part name within the craft file, which is unfortunally not the case. Anyways I'm already working on a new version of my code to enable such a feature in the future But having .22 in mind, lets see how stuff will change in the future and if my code still fits the new KSP logic
  5. Hi together, within the last days I was hacking into the craft files to see how KSP stores unlaunched vessels and basically because I wanted to view my action groups and vessel descriptions without having to open KSP. Quite simple, no magic added, all sources available on CodePlex https://kspvesselviewer.codeplex.com/ Have fun with it, if you wanna use it in your project, feel free, if you find any bugs, fix them and commit if you wish to ;-) Space Port Link: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ksp-vessel-viewer/ Legal Stuff: License: GPL v3 Icons belong to their rightful owners, taken from iconfinder.com, http://art.gnome.org/themes/icon (SpaceShip Icon)
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