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Everything posted by Zaydin

  1. Well, after reaching the Mun yesterday, I was debating sending another mission to the Mun with the new sensors I had unlocked with the research I had compiled from the Mun mission, or going to Minmus. As my title would suggest, I decided to go where I had never gone before: Minmus. Descent was far easier for Minmus than the Mun; I had enough fuel left from my main stage to set up my descent onto Minmus before jettisoning the dead weight, and after that, I activated the LV-909 I have for the lander stage to slow me; that engine sips fuel! I couldn't help but notice how small both Kerbin and the Mun looked from this far out. One relatively uneventful descent later, my craft set down on Minmus, Kerbol rising over the far moon of Kerbin. Well, I say 'relatively uneventful' because I had a brief panic as I neared the surface when my craft suddenly accelerated in its descent, passing 100 meters a second. Thankfully, I had time to throttle up and slow down before touching down on the surface. A minute later, after transmitting some initial data back to Kerbin, Jebediah Kerman, the first Kerbal on the Mun, planted the flag and became the first Kerbal on Minmus, marking the furthest any Kerbal had been from their home. After planting the flag, Jebediah took a moment to record a greetings from Minmus to the Kerbals back home, eagerly awaiting word as to the fate of this brave kerbonaut! Needless to say, after the success of my Munar landing, this new success has me thrilled!
  2. I don't know where those are, and I'm not sure how I'd find them in KSP. I was thinking of making a return trip with some new sensors mounted on the lander, or else going to Minmus. This mission gave me a ton of Science; when I last checked, it was something like 400+, and I had used up most of my science before this trip researching advanced electrics to get solar arrays that could track the sun. Oh, this mission is also my longest to date, at over 7 days elapsed.
  3. You can find black monoliths scattered around the solar system, if I recall correctly. There's one on the Mun that I know of, and I've seen footage of one near Kerbal Space Center on Youtube, too, a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  4. Now, I wanted to post this here, because while this is likely routine for more experienced players, it was my first really big achievement in Kerbal Space Program; I got a copy while it was on sale a few weeks ago. That said, as my title said, Jebidiah Kerman says "Greetings from the Mun!" Yes, I got my first rocket/lander onto the surface of the Mun, and have the flag and screenshot now to remember this momentous occasion. This mission has also provided me with a wealth of Science, as well.
  5. Well, I first saw stuff for Kerbal a few days ago on TV Tropes and Youtube, and that got me interested in the game, and seeing it on sale on Steam was a gift from the gods for me; my sister also showed interest, so we both ended up getting copies. Thrilled to support the development of a game like this.
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