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Everything posted by Matrix_kbh

  1. Yes sir, that seems to have resolved things! Bummer, diden work for me, just checked http://prntscr.com/9i1gwc still have that issue with my survey doesn't show, and my map freaks out with the replacement dll inside the remotetech/plugins and the .cs :/ I guess there is nothing more for me to do then wait for a fix. Thanks, have a nice xmas
  2. So you added Both the dll and the .cs file to the remote tech into the same folder?
  3. Your Welcome. i still waiting for a fix for remote tech , so i can start playing again kinda got stuck on that bug
  4. Welcome No idea if it suppose to work, but its worth a try
  5. arh, now i see. i searched for remotetech on your log, and found this: Config(@PART[longAntenna]:FOR[AntennaRange]:NEEDS[!RemoteTech2]) AntennaRange/AntennaRange/@PART[longAntenna]:FOR[AntennaRange]:NEEDS[!RemoteTech2] that messed it up for me But it seems like Longantenna needs remotetech 2 xD
  6. i Have a similar issue, but i found out that its the Remote tech 2 that's cause it :S try remove it, also i don't know if its just me or "us" but it doesn't seem like a lot of people have this issue :S
  7. Yeah i tried, the dll as well, same issues as Fizbanger map bug.
  8. It seems like i have a issue too with remote tech So fare when i try to do a survey for ore, its not showing up on my overlay (both in the probe, and in the tracking (the tracking seem to be a kerbal issue though)) When i remove remote tech it seem to work just fine, i even get the "toggle overlay" option on the m700. So fare i reinstalled all my mods and game, just to make sure. // Patrick
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