Experiencing an issue with LS-19A and LS 32-C recyclers. The recycler part doesn't seem to work. O2 is consumed normally and CO2 is produced normally (scrubbers off), but when I activate the recycler on either part, no extra CO2 is consumed and there is no effect on O2 consumption.
Also, In atmo, they draw O2 even if the air intake is off.
Has anybody else had this issue?
I'm running KSP 1.0.5 on a Mac, and I've got IonCross v 1.20.1. I've got other mods, but I tried this on a clean install with only IonCross and Module Manager 2.6.13.
[URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/9cxo4pvn55ub0mk/Player.log?dl=0"]Log file is here if anyone wants a look[/URL].