Hey ! After watching the video for 0.22, I have an idea of how to further utilize the new science bay module that was mentioned in the video. Please hear me out. What if, when you start out in the career campaign, you only know the existence of Kerbin ? Then, after you successfully send a science bay probe to orbit Kerbin, you discover the Mun and its orbit path around Kerbin. However, you're still at the dark as to what the rest of the universe looks like except for Kerbin, the Mun and the sun. One of the tech tree you can spend your science points on would be to improve your satellite technology so your science bay can see further and further away (like our current Hobbles). The more points you put into the satellite technology, the more planets you will see, such as Minmus, Duna... etc etc. However, these planets will start only appear as a black sphere on your map until you send a real probe around the planet in question. You get a probe orbiting Duna, you will see that it's red with white north/south poles, and your map will update accordingly. This feels a slightly bit more similar to what we have now, which NASA uses satellite technology to find planets before we can ever send a probe close to there I think this may be something nice for the career/campaign mode. Anyways, this is just my humble suggestion. Thank you for your time to read this