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Everything posted by SkyRanger

  1. Thanks for the quick reply. What is my best course of action? Would it be possible to replace this problem Asteroid object with a different asteroid to allow me to continue the mission? Or should I just delete the asteroid and head my vehicle back to Kerbin? Also, I was not aware of my space debris problem. I guess I must have space debris filtering turned off? Is there an option I need to select to see this problem? And is it possible to get these debris objects cleaned up. Thanks again, and I'm LOVEing this game even more.
  2. 1. KSP version build id = 01260 2016.04.30 at 12:23:12 CEST Branch: master Win7 - 64 running on STEAM 2. A detailed explanation - My craft Claw Machine 3 is in an intercept mission with Astroid HAY-187. However, I cannot create any maneuver nodes for this craft. Also, this craft is perma-locked on the target of astroid HAY-187. I cannot de-select the target or switch to a different target 3. A screenshot ofrelevant screens - 4. A .craft file or save files - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/91268410/Debug_save.sfs 5. The ouput_log.txt or player.log - No crash file 6. A detailed list of system specifications - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/91268410/Skyranger_DxDiag.txt 7. Are you running a clean installation, no mods. Craft all build with game build.
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