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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Oooh yes, rep - thanks for the reminder Rune!
  2. Oh dear lord If ever proof was needed that KSP is one of the best sandbox tools ever made (along with one of the best communities), this is surely it. The SSTO stuff has impressed me greatly, but this is just incredible. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing both the idea, and all of the detailed construction info/guides. Even just looking at the images, I've seen construction ideas that I wouldn't even have dreamed of myself. Thanks again!
  3. Lots of truly amazing work in here guys, I tip my hat to all of you Thanks for sharing these creations.
  4. It's a shame that we have to use mods to correct this - I didn't actually know about the mod linked above, so I'll have to try that now Continuing the OP (we may as well, in the hope that Squad have time to address it soon), the problems I regularly have are: 1) Small adjustments are often next to impossible - I would much rather wait for a node adjustment that is always fine and precise, even if that means 10 seconds of dragging/adjustment to get the desired result. It would be fantastic if node drag speed is dependent on the current distance from the closest body - but I really would just settle for slow adjustment. Trying to correct inclination by 5 degrees is so damn frustrating at the moment 2) Text info for the new periapsis/apoapsis is constantly overlaying the existing two nodes, when making fine adjustments. I've tried swinging the camera around and changing zoom, but I'm usually left deciphering two strings of text that are right on top of each other. Again, the amount of fiddling and frustration here is evident within seconds of each manoeuvre. It would be fine if the info for the new/potential nodes are displayed "further out" than the current orbit nodes, in terms of distance from the relevant body - even if I'm adjusting downwards, as long as I can clearly see which is current and which is post-manoeuvre, that'd be perfect. I think we're talking about screen space here (UI objects) rather than world space, so this should be an easy solution. 3) As already mentioned, having to hover over the new nodes is a pain - although there seems to be a workaround of sorts (clicking the node - haven't actually tried that), this info should just be visible whenever the node adjustment is active. I love the general way the node system works, but it'd be ten times better if these problems were fixed
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