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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Just found that KSP also creates these "empty" entries in R&D archive that I mention in plans 1. Guess that is okay
  2. Hello everyone I have for some time been messing around with a mod for adding new technologies (Like the old TreeLoader mod), but with a slightly different spin on it. I try to keep everything as close to the way it works in stock KSP. At the moment you can add new technologies (even to an existing save), and assign parts to these. I have made a pre-alpha version of a new ScienceExperiment module, that only allows recovery, not transmission or boosting transmit. It uses the KSP ScienceDefs.cfg, meaning you can use the existing experiments or create your own. At the moment the GUI is kinda ugly, but it works. I am missing a storage module, so for now you can store infinite iterations of the experiment. Plans: 1:I plan to make an ExperimentConversion module, that allows an experiment result(configurable) to be turned into another experiment result(configurable). Both input and output experiment should be either stock(transmit alowed) or with no transmission allowed. It is supposed to be used for E.G. a surface sample analyzer that turns a surface sample into a surface analysis(which could then be transmittable) But at the moment I am facing some problems creating an experiment result without adding it (with 0 data and science) to the R&D Archive. 2: I plan to implement experiment based requirements for new technologies. Like "Mun dust refinery" technology requires a certain amount of science collected in surface samples from Mun, before you can research it. I am not planning to make alot of parts (I am a terrible 3d designer), but I hope others would use the mod for making new part packs. Any comments or suggestions for extra features? Best regards RCSub
  3. Hi everyone I am working on a mod, and I would really like to use the Halo effect, like the Halo effect or the light with "draw Halo" enabled. I tryied creating a prefab in unity and then loading it in KSP, but it didn't work. Does anyone know, if this is possible and if so how? Best regards Andreas
  4. Thanks I am now using FixedUpdate instead.
  5. Hi everyone I am quite experienced in C#, so I decided to play around with making my own partmodules. But I am running into trouble getting OnFixedUpdate to trigger. My code is: public override void OnFixedUpdate() { Utility.DebugLog ("AK_GD", "Fixed update"); } Utility.DebugLog is just a wrapper function for Debug.Log(string msg); But it never triggers. I have put similar tests in OnActivate and OnInactivate, and they doesn't trigger either. OnUpdate works fine, and through that I see that this.enabled is true as well as this.isEnabled How come OnFixedUpdate is not triggered? Best regards rcsub
  6. Hi everybody For some time, I have wanted a "solar wind sail" for deep space missions, but in my attempt to create it (by extending ModuleDeployableSolarPanel), I have ran into the problem, that KSP won't allow me to modify the ships speed when warping is active, neither through directly modifying rigidbody.velocity or by rigidboyd.AddForce. The solar sail should barely produce any force, so any speed change would be very slow. Does anyone have any suggestions, except not warping? Best regards RCSub
  7. Hi fellow KSP programmers For some time, I have wanted to add a "solar sail" to the game, but I have ran into a deadlock. I have extended the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel class, and then added some code in the OnUpdate function, that changes the crafts velocity based on the flowrate of the solar panel. It works fine, but I am unable to warp. I know you can't warp while the ship is throttled up, but I do not use throttle. At first I did it with rigidbody.AddForce. This worked just as fine, but I still couldn't warp. Does anyone have a clue about how to bypass the warp limitation? Any way of modifying the velocity/trajectory while warped? How do I even detect if time is warped? Any ideas are would be helpfull Best regards RCSub
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