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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Airborne algae might possibly survive in the atmosphere if there's enough water vapour so they don't dry out and have enough material for photosynthesis. Temperature would have to be right of course in a region of the atmosphere with habitable air pressure or they would freeze or die from heat. Some 'volcanic' activity would maybe be needed in the core to eject dead organisms, to avoid that all carbon ends up in an inaccessible state. If the algae would possess a compartment with gaseous hydrogen for example, to stay buoyant enough to stay in the athmosphere, those algea might be possible. Still it would be a crazy and extremely weird ecosystem. : ) I don't see multicellular life working in Jool sadly : (
  2. Most plants would die without oxygen in the atmosphere. Roots need oxygen to burn sugars to work and transport food and nutrients to the rest of the plant. That's why a lot of plants will die if you give them too much water (no air left in the dirt if it's absolutely soaked with water). Algae might live in a place without a lot of oxygen, but there would still be a need for other lifeforms to recycle the dead algea and produce CO2.. (Anything bigger than an algae would be destroyed by the winds anyway) So, Jool might be a complex algea-bacterial world, but one gigantic plant just wouldn't work : )
  3. How can I decouple without decouplers? Sometimes just starting the engine above works and the tanks below explode, but sometimes they stay attached..
  4. From where do you get the mass needed to keep the thing rotating? There aren't tiny asteroids which you can move to your skyhook ingame, isn't it?
  5. 6 debris All consisting of probes without the power to open the solar panels. All other debris purposely crashlanded on planets and moons. They're not actually listed as debris, but I can't change their status to debris, because they're out of power... 0 assigned Only done manned Kerbal orbits/rendevous/EVA's and a manual solar panel opening mission. Extremely cautious with astronauts after a massive amount of crashes (and deaths) before symmetry was added to the game. 12 screenshots
  6. Thanks! Is there any indication when 0.22 will be released (days or months)? Then I know if I'll download the mod or just play on until the new version.
  7. Is it possible to load a stage or vehicle and let another stage stay in the VAB, so you can combine 2 saved vehicles?
  8. Is it possible to roll around the horizontal axis apart from the vertical one? I can't find controls to do it, which makes space walks a bit hard for me..
  9. What kind of orbits do you establish around moons and other planets than Kerbin? In reality some Apollo missions used clockwise orbits around the moon, to gain a 'free return' to earth, but I can't find out what kind of orbits other real life satellites use. Somehow all my orbits apart from those around Kerbin become clockwise, but which approach would you think to be the most efficient or practical?
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