Calculate down to atoms.... Do you have any idea how much processing power that will require? You will need to calculate each atoms position, rotation, velocity, connection with other atoms, temperature and state. Considering that the smallest atom (hydrogen) is 120 pm(10^-12 meters) that is only a "mere" 5,37 * 10^25 atoms. In other words: 53 700 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 atoms that needs to be calculated each frame. And that's only one cubic meter. It's just not possible. Even with a super computer you won't be able to keep track of each single atom. Of course you can bring the size up to lets say 1mmX1mmX1mm. It will still be 1 000 000 000 different "atoms". It's just not possible with our current technology. If you have tried playing minecraft on a bad computer you may know what I mean. In minecraft every single block in the loaded chunks are calculated, with only around 10 000 loaded blocks it will still lagg(bad fps). This is because the current processors aren't able to handle so many calculations. I planed on doing something similar some time ago, but quickly abandons the idea as I saw that our current processors won't be able to even render a single cube. Do correct me if I'm wrong.