Not all engines have an attachment point on the bottom (like the Toroidal Aerospike Rocket) so it makes them difficult to place, unless you are willing to attach them somewhere else like the top of your ship (facing backwards). However, the navball's level indicator does not change even if the engines are placed facing other directions than "behind" the vehicle. Is there a way to adjust the level indicator so it is relevant to the 'maneuver prograde' icon? Or, is it possible to adjust the level indicator so it indicates the direction of thrust from the engine? As it is, my ship (the level indicator) has to be facing exactly 180 degrees from the maneuver prograde icon to use certain stages which makes adjusting the path of the ship very tedious and time consuming. Thank you in advance. Edit: This thread can be changed to answered, I don't know/can't figure out how to do it manually.