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Everything posted by Jellyman

  1. I usually don't change the settings. I just turn on the radio chat and set it to 30-60 seconds. After that I don't use it anymore.
  2. Hi, I installed the Chatterer mod and I am loving it so much! However, I can't seem to get rid of that little icon on the bottom left (the microphone.) It's a little annoying and I couldn't find a way to hide it. I tried going to the files and deleted the icons because i thought that would get rid of it. Well instead of the icon, not it just shows a gray box with a text inside of it that says "Chatterer." Does anyone know how to hide windows like that if you have mods installed? Whether it would be deleting a certain file in the mod files or pressing some keys. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section, I'm new to the forums
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