Hello everyone! I set up a track on the Mun. There's a starting platform, 11 waypoints and a finish platform. I've tried flying it a couple of times, and it's doable.. but I hope for some healthy competition! What to do: Load up this savegame. Pick the Munar Racer from the tracking center. You start on the starting platform. Fly within 1km of each waypoint in turn, then land as near the finish platform as you can manage. Scoring: The basis for your score is the time it took you to get from the starting platform to the finish. Each second is a point. One point is added for each meter (rounding up) distance between you and the finish platform at the end. If you land ON the platform you get a 20 point bonus (considering that lower scores are better, that's a 20 point subtraction!). Verification: Either make a video (I did), or take screenshots at launch, each waypoint (pushing F1 should be doable, right?) and your ship landed near the finish. Here's my entry / demo:
I started at 07:49:29, landed at 07:54:02. Distance to the platform was 8m. So my score is 273 (seconds) + 8 for distance. Total score: 281 --- High scores: 1. genveir, 281 2. ... 3. ...