With the new update, you can no longer have single unmatched brackets in a print statement. Heh took me a little bit to figure out what was wrong, while deleting the periods from my curly brackets. It throws the bracket matching error. To recreate the bug, simply print "(". However, print "( )". works just fine. As an aside, I watched the update video, and I haven't yet tested this myself, but if I am understanding this right, alt:radar will return the same value as altitude now, instead of -1. Does it work to a higher altitude than it did before? More importantly, alt:radar will return sea level when over water now. I understand that this type of simplification will be beneficial to some users (they don't have to handle errors), but I'd just like to mention that it does limit what we are capable of doing - personally I'd rather have more raw data available and have to account for errors. In any case, I'm loving kOS, thanks for all the hard work.