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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I like condor Single engine plane doesnt go fast enough for me to be called as hawk. Well, atleast with single rapier.
  2. Gather around Here's the new plane for every mission you can think of Moddable, space capable, single seat science craft for all your kerbal needs. Now, all it needs is a name. If you have a good suggestion, please leave it on comments. Also, it's quite "durable". Flies nicely with minor damage as well. Here's a download link incase you want to take her out for a spin. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByXRIbLpNYqocXp1ckVQWHQ0X2M/view?usp=sharing
  3. Took me forever to get all these in same picture, but here they are.
  4. Bored? Well, here's a what Jeb and Bill do when they're bored. They play around with this fun RCS/solar powered bike on the mun. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByXRIbLpNYqoZGMyQ3dQaGlJREE/edit?usp=sharing only antennas are action grouped to "1". As for riding the thing, guess you'll learn With RCS, you can do nice stunts in low gravity, or use it to gain extra speed. The launch stage is ugly as hell, but it has decent amount of D-V to get the bikes where you need them. Let me know if there's issues with google drive link. Enjoy! P.S. Yes, name Moon Dragon is referring to Moondrakkan from 40k
  5. day light photos. Didn't bother to fly all the way to space this time
  6. Sure thing. Will do that in a bit. Also I noticed a mistake in google drive settings. Apparently the file was not available even tho it was supposed to. Hopefully it's now fixed. Let me know if it's still unavailable.
  7. Delta-v after refueling (not counting jetfuel tanks) is around 3000m/s. not the best one there is, but this one was made for looks anyways.
  8. Just wanted to share my warhammer 40k inspired space plane. Hopefully you guys like it. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByXRIbLpNYqoNHYyR28zWWd1OGM/edit?usp=sharing to launch, press staging button and fly like the wind. When running out of intake air, press "1" to close the intakes and switch to rockets. Since the TWR isn't too good with single rocket engine, so you might need to use slightly steep ascend angle (personally I use around 30-35 degrees) after jets are shutdown.
  9. Hey everyone. I'm not very good with ship designing, but I figured out that I might aswell share everything I've created so far. Everything has been updated since science stuff was added. There's planes, ships, bases and stations. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByXRIbLpNYqoQmktY1diVUtWSVk&usp=sharing hopefully that link works. Enjoy Edit: Here's couple pictures. I currently have nothing in orbit really since I just restarted my project (which I seem to do a lot). This one I made just to carry kerbals to a space station and back. Has seats for 3 and needs one to return. Also, I just like space planes. Basically the first two models I ever made combined, which has been receiving slight modification over time. And science stuff. Lander with a rover on top. Rover has probe thing inside, so it can work automatically aswell. Great addition to any base. Far as I've ever send this thing so far is Duna. There's 36 ships in total at the moment, so screenshots of them all would take lots of time. and some of them need to be assembled in orbit. Might add more pics later.
  10. Debris: 60 Kerbals on missions: 36 Screenshots: 64
  11. Thanks for the quick responses. That rendering range thing seems to be the issue. With this new knowledge I tried circling within 2km of the probe while it landed and it didn't disappear. Still, kinda makes my craft bit useless since the idea was to make semi accurate drops when flying over the target and return back to orbit without wasting fuel. Back to the SPH/VAB then
  12. Hey guys I'm quite new with Kerbal space program, so I don't know all the tricks in this game yet. At the moment I'm having a problem with my probes disappearing in atmosphere. Here's the thing: I made this space plane that is supposed to carry up to 4 probes to atmosphere of a planet and drop them off with parachutes (craft file: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByXRIbLpNYqoc3RHNEx0SWZlOTQ/edit?usp=sharing ). They seem to drop off just fine at first but in few moments they just disappear. Any idea what's wrong?
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