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Posts posted by z0rt

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    B9 makes career mode like a whole new game. This plane can land anywhere, barely needs any room to take off, and has a fully functional science lab (I haven't even unlocked supersonic flight yet!) It's a blast to fly, too. You can get anywhere on kerbin with one tank of gas, and then some. If you retract the front landing gear, Jeb doesn't even need a ladder. You can also repack the chutes from EVA by walking along the aircraft's spine.

    Craft file

    Mods: This plane only uses b9 and stock parts so far. I will definitely upgrade the design and add space capabilities as more technologies are unlocked :cool:

  2. Just want to say- this is easily my favorite mod, after the ever-important Mechjeb. The pipes especially make bases and stations so much more awesome!

    Hell, even just being able to remove unused RCS thrusters and other such bits and stuff them into a storage container to reduce part count is amazing.

    Though something you should be aware of; don't have a Kerbal enter a ship with the cable still attached to his back. It will screw things up amazingly. The cable will drift away, not attached to either end. The winch won't seem to see a problem, but won't respond- and if you detach the pod with the kerbal in it from any part with the winch attached, the camera will go ABSOLUTELY INSANE.

    The insanity is how you know it's working :D

  3. More fantastic news. I can't contain my excitement! I WANT TO BASE JUMP FROM MY SPACE STATION.

    When this is added to the tech tree (or after I unlock all the nodes that I think this stuff should be in) I'm installing this.

    Oh, and the next time someone says they don't see any reason to use mods, I'm linking them to that picture.

    This screenshot was taken in Career Mode, just sayin...


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