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Everything posted by Svenie45

  1. Why does NASA sad than that they were going to repair space telescopen Hubble his solar panels?
  2. Europ,titan and our mun. Our mun: becas it's close, and you can return. Europa:an alien moon. Titan: we are (samething like) 10 times strenger on thath planet!
  3. Evac earth and if thath not works, i Will do suweside!
  4. I am the worst in getting to other planets! So i never landde on another planet (exept kerbin) finale, i Discovery where the dogs on the compassie were for, and than i made my frist landing (whithouth hyperedit and mechjeb) on a planet (exept kerbin). IT was, indeed: the mun! That was my proudest moment (iT cud not. return, got outh of fuel!) and sorry for my bat inglish! (I am steel on high scool!
  5. Funky XD! Realy god story! Meaby you shud make an comic!
  6. Omdeed àlittle bit strenge!
  7. Meaby Some people have to make THE movie in kerbal space program style!
  8. Make àmod for realy huge solar panels, just so huge like kerbin!
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