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Posts posted by TUFOM

  1. I have not played for very long time but I had KSP since 0.23 and 700 hours in. Now I am trying to get back to space race. :)

    I finally got Half Size RSS with, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and Tweakscale installed and working but there seems to be something wrong with terrain detail I have set all to max from graphics settings while tracking down this problem.




    Any idea whats wrong or should game look like this? I used HalfRSS-4096 texture pack. Planets look awesome from orbit though. :)

  2. I managed to make my cpu stable @4.6Ghz. Voltage (1.42V) worries me littlebit but temperatures are below 75c after 2 hour Prime95. So I could do this performance test now again. I am not sure would 100Mhz make much difference. Anyways very nice overclocking cpu. :)

    I think mobo is little bottleneck such hc overclocking... Basically office mobo but pretty respectable results for its price.

    Edit: And resul is so similar there is no point submitting it. 1-3 fps here and there but basically results looks identical in chart.

  3. B85 mobo so yap I think maxed out. 1.35V / 1.25V uncore 40x / VCCIN 1.75V & cores 4.5Ghz. But it is 100% stable and outperforms 5600K by 30-40% in gaming. Ksp got 50% fps boost with high part counts.

    I have tried to go extreme and 1.4V, 1.3V, 2.0V but not even 4.6Ghz fully stable. Ps. no worries about heat I have water cooler. ;)

  4. I rescued jeb and some juicy science and moneyy old fashioned way or is it old fashioned? Scenario Jebediah visited on ike's surface, landed duna and made back to orbit but not back home and pod is full of science! what could be safest and cheapest way to rescue when rcs, docking ports etc not yet available and vanilla besides mechjeb for stats. I came up with catch'that'thing. And oh boy I had to catch many times because time warp slides ship to be rescued away from bay.

    Cooked up challenging and fun mission for myself!

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  5. And yet again kraken attack. Kerbin escape and that Ap is 330M km away. Game does me this now every time when I am trying to escape towards inner planets. No matter how hard I try to escape kerbin pulls me back in. Towards outer planets escape works fine. This started to occur today. O.o


    Edit: Installing game again helped in this case.

  6. Cryengine would be the ultimate choise for ksp I think but I am definedly not expecting game engine change. Star Citizen on its time will show ultimate space game graphics but yeah its not kerbal space program. All things considered I am very happy there is even ksp and coming up cool space games. Time for space games has come again!

  7. Darn kraken messes up my biggest experiment since mega ssto... -.- Now if this is truly mighty krakens return can you or someone think way around this withouth starting mission again? Now I have quicksave in exact moment where I should try this and its pretty time consuming start again. Only thing what comes to my mind is to try slam left ring part to ejected transfer stage but that is long shot.

  8. Mission description I will not give yet because I am trying something funky. But this experiment will fail horribly if I can't overcome this bug. Ion engine decouples (no decoupler there) with the my "K-RING WarpDrive". Ofcourse hard way would be start over but I truly hope you guys can help! =)

    Pictures of problem:

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    Edit: in third picture stage that is connected to ion engine is decoupled. (ofcourse before decoupling the ring)

    Edit2: if I stage ring parts separately ion engine will always leave with left part of the ring.

  9. Mesklin's jet entry you can decouple the docking port and slough off the jet portion. It's refillable.

    Mesklin's 48-7S entry looks perfect to me on orbit. It violates the post-hoc clarification that you need to use a big decoupler after launch. Can this entry be fixed just by adding a couple oscars on the big decouplers?

    Bobnova's entry looks like it fills every rule even the late-coming clarifications. So does Jasonden's.

    So I don't know what fulfills your requirements. Just bolding text doesn't make it clearer.

    There was huge misunderstanding because of my ignorance. I did not know docking port can decouple stuff. (other than another docking port)

    Sorry for this! There is no need at all for that decoupler in this challenge. But to be clarified to be refulable there must be something to refuel? Removed decoupler need and added thing that should have been in rules all time "capability for refueling and return back from orbit" <- so refueling need makes more sense and I have thinked challenge this way whole time. Makes also sense for having parachute there.

    So now this out of way Mesklin's entry is valid. and little bit tweaks others will be. Challenge is now as its final form no more editing.

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