Hi gang. I'm new to all of this, even forums, but howdy just the same. k-OS rocks, KL! Like everyone else, I have ideas for its future. Would it be possible to play sound files with it, someday, w/chatterer or not? How about a voice synthesizer with lots of parameters so we could make scripted chatter? Ok, a sound-file player would be fine, too. These launch scripts are event sequencers in a way, and instead of boring PRINT statements, the realism would REALLY be sweet if they were 'PLAY [some chatter]' instead. This would also allow video-of-the-launch narration to be done much easier and automated, too, one would think. Maybe another nice feature would be an automatic SWITCH TO 0. option at k-OS window-opening. Has anyone else had problems with: set tVal to tVal - (or +) 0.02? I did. I instead used: set tVal to tVal + downbump (or upbump). I declared downbump and upbump at the top... as -0.02 and 0.02 respectively, and it all started working. Don't ask ME why it acted that way. But all in all,(or half'n'half) k-OS is just plain TOO MUCH FUN! Keep up the excellent work, KL and everyone else.