Hay guys, I made this post over on /r/kerbalspaceprogram this afternoon and so far got an amazing response, so I thought i'd bring the love over here too for those of you who don't use reddit/haven't seen it yet! Basically, I made this piece a while ago and asked some people over on Reddit if they'd be interested in a giveaway of sorts - obviously, they were. So I got them printed on some nice poster paper/card stuff (350gsm Silk) and I'm hosing a giveaway! I've got 50 of these prints, and I'll be giving away four, two here, and two on Reddit - All you have to do is comment below and I'll use that "Random.org" thing to work out who gets 'em! You can also purchase the print here - some people were asking for discount codes, so if you use: "WELCOMEBACK" (without the quotation marks ofc) you'll get 10% off (wow i'm such a great guy) - in fact, if you email me: shucke.graphics[at]gmail.com with a short story about Jeb, you might even get a 20% discount code, Maybe, if you're lucky. Has to be an email though, so I know you're dedicated. I'll probably post the best ones here over the week anyway, if I get enough people interested. Anyway, I'll probably get in touch with the winners next week sometime, maybe even this saturday so you have something to brighten up you weekend - but it depends on how busy I am, no promises. I'm in the UK, but the comp is open to everyone - so good luck! -