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Posts posted by Lojik

  1. 7 hours ago, Heckspress said:

    If you feel like actually trying to launch that whole thing, you might be able to get away with making the rear/girder section into an SSTO....

    I did think about that, possibly two SSTO's that join together in orbit, or create the "bridge" in orbit and make the two end sections SSTO's that join with the bridge

  2. Hey KSP Crew,

    I'm sure its been done before but i wanted to start a thread to keep track of my own progress on a long term project i have decided to take on, this project is mainly for the love of the ship, it was one of the first sci-fi/horror movies i watched as a kid and its stuck with me for a long time.

    I will be attempting to create this monster in sandbox mode with predominate stock materials, if i end up using modded parts i will let you guys know, the craft will be created in space at a newly created space station just for its build, each part will need to be able to get into order and then the final ship created in orbit

    No cheats will be used, like i said its a long term project so I will be building this over the next few months, got a wedding to plan as well so please don't expect anything for a while haha

    As a side build I will also be looking to make a to scale Lewis and Clark to fit with the Event Horizon

    Final size is yet to be determined, but it will be big, in light of this i will most likely use construction ports to "weld" the ship together to create a lower part count and more stable platform

    Ship in question: Event Horizon

    From: Movie "Event Horizon" 1997

    The Beast:


    Wish me luck :D



  3. Hi all,

    I kinda got Jeb stuck, went down like this:

    Jeb: I want to fly the new science mission around Mun

    Operations: Jeb I think we should send a probe, just in case, we have no idea how much fuel this mission will take

    Jeb: It will be fine, i believe in you guys

    Operations: Ok.....

    3 days later:





    Jeb: Urrr Guys, i have no fuel to make the last 50m/s needed to get back to Kerbin

    Operations: Told you we didn't know how much was needed, you should have listened

    Jeb: Send someone up to rescue me please

    Operations: sorry we don't have the resources at the moment, your gonna have to hold out

  4. 12 minutes ago, Clipperride said:

    I like playing Science Mode.  Mainly because it still gives you the tech tree to unlock but without all that flying snotty nose tourists around to earn enough :funds: to do the things I enjoy most.  I have played Career Mode, so I am able to build reasonably efficient launch vechiles, rather than solving problems by simply building bigger. 

    I usually take my time, sending individual missions to the various Minmus Biomes before exploring the Mun and finishing off the tech nodes with an orbital lab or two.  The only problem with that is, by the time I've finished, it's the middle of year 2 and the next Duna Launch Window is well over a year away.  Instead of fast forwarding time, I end up building some bases, doing some mining and setting myself a driving challenge or two.  Having finished my first play through since the 1.2 release, I decided it was time for something different - send a flotilla of ships to Duna when the first window opens up on Year 1 Day 236.  So, today I've set about being more efficient when collecting science points.  

    After a couple of launches, I built myself a little buggy to mine points from the Space Centre and surrounding area.  I was surprised to find that, even with just the thermometer, pressure sensor, goo canister and material observations (plus samples and reports), you can easily get over 250 points to play with. Although, it would have been much easier if I'd taken the time to balance the small aeroplane wheels so the wrenching thing held something approaching a straight line!

    Add in a quick Mun fly by for my first orbital flight and by Day 4 I was ready to explore Minmus.  A few (ok 4, which was probably overkill) HG-5 High Gain Antennas were enough to keep in contact with  Kerbin and make up for Bob Kerman's lack of piloting experience. I arrived in Minmus orbit with enough fuel to hit all the Flats as well as the Lowlands, before returning home with 2600+ points.  I could have squeezed in another couple of biomes, but it was getting late and I prefer taking a probe core with me, to let me know the elevation of the ground below.  

    A similar Mun mission tomorrow should see most of the technology I want opened up with plenty of time left to start working on my Duna ships.  Looks like it will be easier than I thought to get enough tech for a reasonable base and exploration craft!

    Gotta love Kerbal Space Program :cool:

    Love the report mate, thanks.. its write ups like this that make me want to play more and learn more in this game

  5. Hi Guys,

    I'm sure like me most of you like the in game music but at time i find i need some more upbeat or inspiring music playing for my next kerbal creation, I use spotify at home so below is some of the playlists i have running in the background whenever i play KSP

    Sci-Fi Ambience

    This is my current go to playlist, it has a decent mix of up beat and mellow sci-fi related themes, from old school Blade Runner to modern day

    Space Music

    Found this one last night, some nice tunes for running around the kerbal galaxy, some are a bit to beety for me but most fit well

    Let us know what you listen to, feel free to add your own here as well :)

  6. Hi Guys, i know I'm not new but I've been away for 3 years.... 3 too long years from this wondrous life game :)

    Getting back into the swing of things and re-living all the wonderful kerbal moments i experienced so long ago, the game has come a decent way in 3 years, the core is still the same but the improvements to the game play and feel are nice, i also like the new Kerbnet and the extra immersion it gives to the game play

    As long as the whip mrs doesn't get to ratty about some late night KSP i should be around for a while and planning to continue my old "cube" based spaceship designs, might even go all out and host them eventually

  7. After returning to the game from a 3 year hiatus I have a few words of advice to other returning and new players:

    1.       Start slow, Start in Career or Science mode and learn about each item as you unlock them

    2.       Re-watch all the Scott Manley videos on the game, go back to the basics, relearn orbital manoeuvres, learn docking, landing etc

    3.       Watch the new videos (much shorter) about the new stuff since you last played

    4.       Do not go nuts with mods, start small, basics like KER, Docking Indicator, Alarm Clock and any GFX mods you might like, some really basic additions like KIS and KAS will also be ok

  8. Finally sat down and put a few hours into this beast today. Couple things fixed, couple new things added.

    What's done?

    * ElectricCharge usage is completely removed

    * Added a Mute button to hush all the Chatterer sounds with one click

    * Merged Muziker's soundscapes and "ship hum" into Chatterer

    * All new beeps

    What's planned?

    * Edit some more NASA audio to make another chatter set

    * Add more triggers for sound effects/soundscapes (descending to surface, entering atmosphere, etc)

    * Add some ship noises (clinks, clangs, whirrs)

    Any suggestions for other things you want to see in this plugin? Things that need fixed that I've forgotten about?

    Just keep up the great work, i love this mod, sometimes just a simple noise can make the game 10 times more immersive for the players

  9. Love the kerbal inspired warranty, is the distance between the payload and the ground safe enough to drop onto a high gravity planet/body without damaging the legs of the payload?

    Have you thought about how a launcher will connect to this crane and its payload so they can safely leave kerbin SOI?

    How is the payload connected?

  10. Hi all,

    just got back from a long overseas trip, had version 0.21 on my computer via steam and now want to play the new 0.22 but it does not show any updates available on my steam library, anyone able to help me out here?



    EDIT: sorry was being inpatient, looks like waiting 10min kicked steam into updating the game for me :D all good

  11. when building your craft consider the ISP of the engines and what stage they will be at when firing

    another factor to consider is your gravity turn, when are you turning, is it too early or too late? 10k up is a good starting point to start your gravity turn.

    what about orbit height when burning for Jool, have you considered a higher or lower KO before burn, are you burning to Jool at the right time to conserve Dv?

    do you use something like Kerbal Engineer to know your Dv of the entire craft before lift off?

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