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Posts posted by Nertea

  1. Guess I'll stop procrastinating this one. Probably still some bugs but we'll see how we go

    NF Electrical 2.0.0

    • Updated ModuleManager to 4.2.3
    • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.20.0
    • Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 2.3.3
    • ALL PREVIOUS reactor, processing and fuel parts have been soft-deprecated. They will be deleted in < 10 years
    • Switched mod to SystemHeat backend:
      • New reactor parts run on the SystemHeat reactor model, which is very similar but uses a different heat system
      • Game settings UI to tune your preferences for fuel transfer, reactor repair, etc
      • SystemHeat is now bundled (0.7.4)
    • Adjusted overall balance paradigm for nuclear parts (only applies to new parts)
      • Reactors now have ~25y idle life
      • Minimum reactor throttle reduced from 25 to 10%
      • Reactor thermal efficiency tweaked; now caps out at ~37% and maps to the approximate conversion technology
      • Power-mass ratios are tuned to range from 190 to 300 EC/t
    • New/revised parts
      • MN-1 'SNAK' Fission Reactor : new micro 5 Ec/s reactor with 0.625m partswitch option
      • MN-2 'Kerbopower' Fission Reactor: new micro 10 Ec/s reactor with 0.625m partswitch option
      • MX-0 'Toaster' Fission Reactor: revised 0.625m, 60 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
      • MX-1 'Garnet' Fission Reactor: revised 1.25m, 200 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
      • MX-1B 'Prometheus' Fission Reactor: new 1.875m, 800 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
      • MX-2C 'Hyperion' Fission Reactor: revised 2.5m, 2000 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
      • MX-2L 'Excalibur' Fission Reactor: revised 2.5m, 2000 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
      • MX-3L 'Hermes' Fission Reactor: revised 3.75m, 2000 Ec/s reactor with inline and compact partswitch options
      • PB-SRG Advanced Radioisotope Generator: evolutionary PB-NUK-III with similar mass ratios but much better costs
      • PB-NUK-II Radioisotope Generator: 2 scaled up PB-NUK with ~10% bonus on ratios
      • PB-NUK-III Radioisotope Generator: evolutionary PB-NUK with ~10% bonus on ratios
      • PB-ACK Radioisotope Generator: small entry level RTG with lower power generation than the stock one. Appears at 1 lower tech level
  2. 1 hour ago, Merlin1809 said:

    Well, WDSP support fixed one thing and broke another:

    Solar panels are now counted twice in the systems monitor when WDSP is installed. I have two OX-10C solar panels and the systems monitor counts four.

    Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SZIn68koCb7h_XEPYPLfMivKmhpNgC3k/view?usp=sharing


    With WDSP:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Without WDSP:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Does it work in the VAB? I'm kinda working this blind because I don't have the volumetric clouds mod and can't really test. 

  3. Release 0.7.4

    • Fixed a config oversight that made the heat exchanger always cost power no matter its settings
    • Fixed a relatively harmless NRE on editor scene loads
    • Fixed UI null reference spam when switching away from a vessel with SH modules in flight
    • Fixed UI null reference spam when switching to a vessel with SH modules in flight after switching to one with none ;)  
    • Added a few null checks/guards in places that might have bad things happen
    • Ensure all debug flags are set to OFF by default and added examples of the hidden ones to the settings file
    • Added an adapter module for ModuleCometDrill
    • Adjustments to EXTRAS patches to fix a few issues
      • Unnecesary SH modules for some NTRs
      • Harvester patches now support Asteroid/Comet drills
  4. 20 minutes ago, mateusviccari said:

    I forgot to include DynamicBatteryStorage on my earlier test. Including it fixed the problem with the bare minimum install, so I started a test battery with my other mods isolating mod by mod, and found the culprit. My problem was being caused by Kopernicus. Updating it to the last release fixed the problem. It was apparently messing with solar panels at high time warp.

    Yes Kopernicus completely changed how they deal with solar panels a few updates back so there's this discontinuity where a certain version of DBS will break with old Kopernicus, and newer won't work with older DBS. It's was a bit of a mess but I think we've sorted it out now. 

  5. Hmm. This is a weird one. So I take your ship, installed what I think are the dependencies and did a quick teleport to orbit/set warp to max test. I saw what I'd expect which is that there's some flashing boiloff as the ship goes into to shadow, but it's not in your video which is constant the whole time. Some thoughts:

    1. Time warp rate: Just to confirm, you're using BetterTimeWarp and your top rate is 10,000,000x.
    2. WeatherDrivenSolarPanel: I noticed this is installed. It's not supported, but it looks like the output is behaving so this is not the issue. You could see if uninstalling it helps. 

    I'll keep investigating though. 

  6. 56 minutes ago, Merlin1809 said:

     I have a some other mods installed, but I have the same issue even with DynamicBatteryStorage 2.3.2 installed. Some days ago I also had an issue where the EC jumped between zero and full when timewarping causing boiloff, but I can't seem to replicate it here.

    KSP log (with DynamicBatteryStorage debugging enabled): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZTcqqOhXGcskAUpBxk2nA17jv2LoiALo/view?usp=sharing


      Hide contents



    Flip that Adavanced rollout on so I can see what's going on dynamically. 

    You have a massive amount of [PR] [MechJeb] spam in the log as well which I'm told is from Persistent Ratation, and things from TweakScale, TweakScaleWatchDog, KSP-Recall plugins which have been known to cause install issues on occasion. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, dave1904 said:


    I have 0.7.3? 

    GitHub - judicator/KerbalismSystemHeat: Kerbalism support for SystemHeat mod

    This is the patch im using so it could be the cause of the issues. Maybe it is causing the issues. 

    Yeah I'd need a log of the event and reproduction steps. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, dave1904 said:

    Ok thanks. Ive a second issue too. Maybe related. It also happens on certain craft and I dont know how to recreate it. 


    [EXC 18:23:34.934] NullReferenceException
        SystemHeat.UI.ToolbarIconTag.SetWarningNone () (at <2efe72f4cf3649c9bbc755ab96be8088>:0)
        SystemHeat.UI.ToolbarIconTag.Update (SystemHeat.SystemHeatSimulator simulator) (at <2efe72f4cf3649c9bbc755ab96be8088>:0)
        SystemHeat.UI.SystemHeatUI.Update () (at <2efe72f4cf3649c9bbc755ab96be8088>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Looks different. Are you certain you're using SystemHeat >= 0.7.1? There was an issue fixed in that version that created a very similar log message in that version. 

  9. 5 hours ago, dave1904 said:

    Any Idea what would cause this to spam my log? 

    [LOG 13:28:16.169] [SystemHeat][ModuleSystemHeat] seting module tank system state from True to False
    [LOG 13:28:16.190] [SystemHeat][ModuleSystemHeat] seting module tank system state from False to True
    [LOG 13:28:16.190] [SystemHeat][ModuleSystemHeat] seting module tank system state from True to False
    [LOG 13:28:16.211] [SystemHeat][ModuleSystemHeat] seting module tank system state from False to True
    [LOG 13:28:16.211] [SystemHeat][ModuleSystemHeat] seting module tank system state from True to False
    [LOG 13:28:16.232] [SystemHeat][ModuleSystemHeat] seting module tank system state from False to True

    An important thing to add is that im playing with kerbalismsystem heat too so it might be conflicting with the new version. I cannot really recreate it either because its different for different craft. 



    I don't know what terrifying things the Kerbalism patch does so I can't really say (I would guess you're using the CryoTanksSystemHeat thing and something is causing the tank to toggle between needing cooling and not repeatedly), but the source tells me right now that DebugModules is on by default. I'll fix this in the next version, but in the meantime you can go to the Settings.cfg file in the SystemHeat directory and add a line saying DebugModules = false to remove the logging call. 


  10. 2 hours ago, mateusviccari said:

    Sorry I took a while to get back to my PC, is this enough to help identify the problem?

    KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GFvAeOUAkT3MgSO5rQgG43Oz9Qcp2T9U/view?usp=sharing

    Craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yZ0y4gm-V8slvzG2cvIgdGITOpNgqaug/view?usp=sharing

    Video showing the behavior:

      Hide contents

    I don't see DynamicBatteryStorage installed in any of those which is a dependency, and will absolutely cause this to occur. Install the latest version and have another go.

  11. Updates to dev version

    • Appropriately deprecated/re-added the nuclear fuel containers and ore processor so the part modules can be adjusted
    • Tuned and balanced the RTG set - they should be release-ready now
    • Adjusted many 3rd party partches to work correctly

    Remaining todo

    • Cost and tech tree tuning for the new reactors
    • Testing and tuning the fairing ejection module
    • Some SystemHeat adjustments so the various Extras patches work ok
    •  The USI 3rd party patch :valcry:
    • Many testings
  12. 23 hours ago, Wyzard said:

    This might be a known issue already, but it looks like the power panel doesn't recognize SystemHeat heat exchangers as energy consumers.

    (Together with the recent changes to the heat exchangers' power cost, I was very confused when a previously-working vessel was experiencing power drain even though the new system monitor said it ought to be in the green :))

    Yeah I don't think it ever did that, so I'll have to add a fix in. 

  13. 10 hours ago, Great Disnub said:

    Howdy, been enjoying a lot of your mods recently, they're honestly amazing. Unfortunately, it seems that there's an issue with System heat in my KSP instance, as Nerv rockets aren't being put in a heat loop. The mod appears to work for the Cherenkov, though I haven't exactly done exhaustive tests  as. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mod conflict, given the quantity I have, but there doesn't seems to be any obvious conflicts. So far Ive tried reinstalling the mod and associated configurations, but no dice.

    Any help or possible solutions would be much appreciated, let me know if you want the modlist or something. Thank you in advance!


    They're not supposed to be part of a loop as they don't generate excess heat (solid core NTRs don't get hot enough to need it generally). If this occurs with any of the other solid-core, no cogeneration engines that has to be fixed. 

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