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Everything posted by Razara

  1. I did figure out that was the problem after moving the initialization of the SerialPort into the update function, but I have not been able to resolve it. Any chance you could give me a pointer on how I would go about getting the source from mono? Am I to basically copy the SerialPort class into my own program?
  2. I'm trying to write a plugin that will send and receive data to KSP via a serial connection. Whenever I initialize the SerialPort though the plugin does not seem to load. If I remove the serialPort line, the debug window spews out "test" as expected. I know people have done this before, but I'm not sure how. [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight,false)] public class PluginTutorial : MonoBehaviour { private SerialPort serialPort; public void Awake() { serialPort = new SerialPort("COM4", 9600); } public void Start() { } public void Update() { print("test"); } }
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