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Everything posted by MadHorse

  1. At first i saw it on Steam i think. After that i watched some YT videos from a guy named kurtjmac (never heard of him before). 50 videos later i tried the demo verison and bought the game the next day. @ StainX .. wohoo, another austrian
  2. Maybe i should update this thing and try it. It is way too expensive atm but realism ftw.
  3. First time i play since january. Looking forward to catch my first Asteroid, therefore i created a new Program, starting with Potato Catcher I:
  4. Im still here once in a while but i have absolutely no idea how flags and patches(?) have to look in the new KSP version (size, etc). Have not played since 0.22. ...and yes, i have a save file of all flags i made. Edit: how is this?
  5. I'm working on that one ... not happy with the result yet. OneEyed Shark, you're next. Need some time.
  6. i like this one from Trann: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28293-Show-off-your-flags-MEGATHREAD?p=669252&viewfull=1#post669252 Mabye you ask him if u can use his version.
  7. here is the Album, blank text included. http://imgur.com/a/irgJM#0
  8. Here you go: Trying to do some more tomorrow.
  9. Singing? They are screaming and trying to 'Reach a Safe Distance...' from Jebs Nuclefart.
  10. Needed to stretch the claws a bit.
  11. made something...still... not sure... Yeah, but not today. I should have made yours - first in first out... sorry for that Not much time for KSP & Flags atm...
  12. Took a while but here a first try...
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