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Everything posted by Cadenza

  1. Sorry about that, i was trying to capture most of the stages as they happened but most were un usable. Let me know how she flies for you if you download . Hex_Vertibird news!, Mun mission has been completed although still working on making it fuel efficient enough to function without the need for re-fueling in orbit. New version nearly ready for release The HEX_Vertibird-Air. Currently fixing the fuel not flowing correctly.
  2. The first of many to be uploaded, The HEX_VERTIGO. The Hexone Vertigo ("HEX_VERTIGO") is very fuel friendly solution to covering massive distances with ease capable of reaching the outer planets with fuel to spare in most cases without re-fueling. A Jet's are used to propel the vessel to high atmosphere where they are dropped and the solid boosters kick in, once they are dropped you have a powerful 200+ kn liquid fuel engine to allow you to swiftly set up your course or orbit as needed, the final stage is a nuclear thruster with a small amount of fuel capable of de-orbiting or meeting up with fueling stations, it utilizes a docking port jr for re-fueling and come's equipped with landing gear and power generation. <------ older version. Download Link. https://www.dropbox.com/s/s4lm37whbxscpx4/HEX_VERTIGO.craft Please post any feedback ect . Ship Currently Under construction: HEX_Vertibird...
  3. Any interest in a Probe bay? About 6 very light weight ion probes that could be launched as and when needed?
  4. You should be able to manage it if your careful with weight and balance but it will be a challenge, you "should" be able to get to about 55k-60k from the turbo jets with enough intake and momentum although with that much weight it might be an issue, as for getting it into orbit i don't think it's going to be possible unless you use fuel from the orange tank, try 4-6 engines with just one fuel tank feeding them and then ditch them and use rockets to get into the final orbit. Not exactly single stage but i think it's about the only way your going to manage it stock.
  5. Cadenza


    My most recent mun mission vessel the HEX_Vertibird, Figured would be a good idea to show one of my ships , Comes complete with lander and emergency escape feature, 2 docking ports and the ability to re-dock the lander/pod and a drone core to control the ship while the lander is away!
  6. Cadenza


    Having visited a most planets within ksp and landed on them i figured it's about time i get onto the forums and start sharing my certainly unusual approach to ship design with others and of course to learn from others . I also hope to find a few people who would be willing to make a ship pack/mod set with me as the 3D artist having already worked on a few titles i figured making a few mod parts shouldn't be too hard! For those interested in joining me, my gallery link: http://gizoozaa.deviantart.com/ Live long and prosper.... Hexone Shipyard's Open for business.
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