After messing around for a long time trying to fix my ships from previous versions, I started over with the Athlete series and reached stable Munar orbit and return with the basic 2nd stage you see in the completed stack. Sorry, I didn\'t take snaps during the missions. The first time, I was convinced I\'d just crash again. And the second time I was convinced I was just lucky the first time. Hence the launchpad snap just to give a visual look at the stack. With the addition of a booster stage, I had the reaction mass needed, and more, for Munar landing and return, achieving this goal yesterday and once again since. This is a very forgiving and responsive machine, otherwise thorough Kerbal exploration of the Mun might still elude me. Save the RCS fuel for when you\'re out of the atmosphere and/or landing on the Mun. Just enable ASAS and launch, letting the airfoil surfaces do the work. This leaves a full tank of RCS fuel for quickly executing the roll after intiial stage-and-a-half separation and for the actual Mun landing. Leveling off on the way to a highly inclined orbit followed by Munar orbit insertion is quite a sight, looking like a spaceplane burning towards Kerbin\'s nearest neighbor. The vertical stabilizer on the upper surface of the orbital stage is there to help differentiate, but even without such visual aids, this stage is quite easy to control, and should have some fuel left over to aid in the burn towards the Mun.