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XSP-Xenon Space Programm

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Everything posted by XSP-Xenon Space Programm

  1. nice idea!! But now a puzzle: 'My birthday is the 240 day of the year, but not this year, this year my birthday is the 241th day' When is my birthday?? This is a puzzle, try to get the answere without Cheating!!! CHEATER =P Okay R U ready to get the answere??? 3 2 1 0 -1 xD Okay now no joke ahead 28.08.
  2. Beautiful right in the 3 pic\'s I WANT TO HAVE IT NOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW
  3. ach ja stimmt, hmmmm frag mal Quabit der weiß son\' sch**ß doch sicher
  4. When the pod explodes, it\'s a pretty safe assumption that we\'ll be needing to call the cloning office again.
  5. Sry, but I want to have a drone that I can fly without any other parts ....
  6. Space Stations would make more fun with mulitplayer and docking ;D, but if we use multiplayer there would be much accidents with collusions xD
  7. wenn du ne Pe gehabt hättest hättest du nur warten müssen, irgendwann fängt er dich
  8. nix (außer das du Einstein in den Hintern trittst), Lichtgeschwindigkeit == 287.000m/sec Schall '' == 379,4m/sec
  9. gähn ich war schon mal ganz drin, da drinnen gehts rund!!! Man erreicht Überlichtgeschwindigkeit. Check mal dein kerbalspaceprogram.de postfach
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