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Everything posted by Tharios

  1. I too, spend more time designing than anything else. My only problem with docking is patience. By the time I get to play the game, everyone around me has already exhausted my allotment for the day. So I end up pursuing a rendezvous or the actual docking itself too aggressively, maneuvering too soon and too hard...constantly overshooting the mark. Can't seem to help it most of the time.
  2. Had a bad feeling you were going to say that. I'm terrible at that kind of precision flying. Wonder if I can build a crane... Edit: I knew about the docking ports...just wondered if it involved flying a ship to undock and drop a new one.
  3. My resources list displays no change at all. The lab itself displays a rate of .296/day, and the core displays no change at all either. After more than a month of accelerated Kerbin time, I have 4.33 science total.
  4. Very well then, you have given me a use for stupid Kerbals. The eugenics program will be cancelled. So what's the ideal set-up for a lab then? I've got the core, lab, generator, and reactor mounted in a stack in that order from the bottom up. Is something missing or placed incorrectly? Once again...that's what robots are for. But...since robots can't do the processes that Fractal mentioned in his post, I now have an effective use for stupid Kerbals.
  5. Eh...not big on planting flags except as location markers...basically so I know where neat things are. Only need one Kerbal for that, and once he's outlived his usefulness...into Kerbol he goes...or whatever other convenient fiery death is available. As for boots-on-the-ground in .22...if it's for the purpose of science, then stupid Kerbals still won't matter. And I'm not sure if stupidity affects the other functions of Labs, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did. - Offhand curiosity, I have a single lab with two genius Kerbals, a single computer core, and 2.5m nuclear reactor and electrical generator. It is ground-based. I'm generating .297 science/day. Is that right? Have I missed something? Because I get that we're supposed to go do other stuff while researching, or time-warp it, but at this rate it'll take days of even time-warped research to get even one thing upgraded.
  6. Ah...I've always been the "get-it-done" type. Though you make a valid point, since there aren't any robots to send for mining and such...or does that work with probe-based ships? If I can send a probe, then I'd rather just take the stupid Kerbals out of the equation entirely and go with robo-miners and whatnot.
  7. Is it wrong that I emptied my Astronaut Complex repeatedly, launching every Kerbal with more than 10% stupidity, en masse into a fiery sky-death...just so I could populate my labs with only the best and brightest of the species?
  8. Two quick questions...how is it people are attaching multiple engines directly to reactors And...would I still get full thrust from a given engine, even if multiples are attached to a single reactor, if I only activate one of them at a time?
  9. I was going to go into this big thing about how a warp drive would actually work, or rather not work...but it's not germane to the purpose of the thread. Lovin' the mod Fractal, good work from you and ZZZ both.
  10. Thank you. Finally got it in. It was auto-unzipping to my downloads folder, so I had to change its destination and manually unzip it. Unfortunately, that only caused it to create a separate Game Data folder, which did no good. So I backed up everything and then stuck its contents in the original game folder. It all works just fine. Now I'm going to make myself feel like an ignorant child as I toy with forces I can't comprehend. Mwa ha ha ha.
  11. I have no such directory. Typically, such things are found in Library > App Support > (App Name) There isn't one for KSP at all, nor anything regarding squad, either. There's one for Steam, but it doesn't contain anything for Squad or KSP either.
  12. So, I've decided to give the mod a try. Downloaded it...and since I've never used mods for KSP before...I have no clue how to install it. Note, I'm using a Mac.
  13. Is that so? I don't mind waiting longer for a more comprehensive update of Interstellar because of the potential overlap from the mod and version 0.22 . So essentially I can just hit the mods and call it good throughout the updates, so far? Any Mac issues anyone knows about regarding mods?
  14. Alright...so I was thinking that there's no real point in waiting that much longer to get a better handle on the game before using mods, since one still does effectively the same activities anyway. This one is, as I said before, at the top of my list, but I had a few questions first. Is there even a point to trying any mods right now, with .22 so close? Will that not simply mean all the mods I enjoy will be useless until updated? Are there significant issues with running KSP mods on a Mac? I've notice that nearly everyone uses multiple mods along with Interstellar. Are there particular recommendations that anyone has, particularly you, Fractal? Ignore Mechjeb, as I refuse to use it. I'm a Han Solo or Hoban Washburn kind of player. But otherwise, all recommendations are welcome.
  15. I really want to try this mod out...and it would be my first...but, I think I should keep working on getting the other aspects of the vanilla game down first. I only just completed my first keostationary orbit, and still haven't successfully docked two ships yet. Nor have I been anywhere but Mun, and haven't landed there yet. Though I have managed to build a quite successful SSTO, also. Keep up the good work, Fractal_UK. This one's going to be at the top of my list of things to try. Anyone have any recommendations for mods that compliment this one well, just in case?
  16. It would probably be better to just reuse the solar power system he already developed, and set it so that labs can only contribute science to the pool if they've got LoS to a relay in a network that has LoS to the Space Center. There's no real point to isolating a lab. It won't generate science more quickly, and no lab would generate science quickly enough to outstrip the benefits of having access to the network for its upgrades. Otherwise, I think it's a great idea, and if he bases it off his solar network idea, it should save him considerable time and effort in implementation. - Also...I agree with some of the others, Fractal_UK, you should really try getting in touch with Squad. You've got a great sense of balance and have some great ideas that don't take anything away from the spirit of KSP. Excellent work. I hope their future updates don't negatively impact efforts so far, too much.
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