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Everything posted by Kryssandra

  1. I'm loving the new update. ^.^ I know there are those who have the mad skills to max out the tech tree in three to five flights - and kudos to them - but even though I've been playing KSP from the beginning and know all the parts very well, my personal progression in .22 thus far has been very slow. This is probably due to the fact that I am taking my time and relearning the game from scratch. Playing with only Tier 0 parts really takes me back to the early alpha days, when we were trying to land on the Mun with no maneuver nodes or landing legs - just touching down on the engine cones or, a bit later, using the first winglets as landing struts. I'm really enjoying having to learn how to design simple rockets again, and how to use the parts available in unorthidox ways to achieve desired results. CM has forced me to learn to be more efficient, so I've benefited from it as well. With this as the example of where SQUAD is going with the CM, I'm really excited to see how the game continues to progress.
  2. I believe that landing struts can actually 'break' and be repaired by the Kerbals now, in the same fashion as the rover wheels.
  3. I wish I had the problem of hitting things in orbit... the one thing I've yet to master is getting two craft to rendezvous in space >.<
  4. Humanity's biggest problem is humanity itself. We always have been and always will be our own worst enemy.
  5. When I saw the title of the thread, I was thinking of the big air-filled tires on hyrobikes that let them float on water. It would be awesome to have that option so we could make rovers capable of amphibious operation. I would enjoy driving over the surface of Eve's or Laythe's oceans ^.^
  6. Our solar system is incredibly fascinating if you actually take the time to learn about the wonders it holds. If you honestly believe our solar system is -boring-... that saddens me, and I feel deeply sorry for you.
  7. I can't honestly say that it's the generic Kerbals themselves I care about, though I do find the derpy little guys cute. It's more the notion that in order for me to consider my manned missions truly successful, the crew must survive and return home. If they don't, then I've failed. It is a form of RP I suppose, since I obsessively follow a mission plan of probes to a target planet first before sending a manned mission. It's not at all necessary, as you could just build a lander and go straight on... but that's the way it's done in the real world, so that's how I do it. Plus, it adds an additional element of challenge and difficulty to the mission... I do things very differently with manned missions than I would do them with a robotic craft. Fewer risks, more redundant backup systems, LES, etc. That having been said, I have to admit that certain Kerbals -do- have a special place in my heart... either because they were the ones I grew to know since the alpha days, or because they're named after my favorite YouTubers. So I do tend to care a bit more about the welfare of my crew when Jeb, Bill, Bob, Kurt, Scott, and/or Danny show up on the flight roster. Silly perhaps, but when any of them are on board I will go that extra mile to make sure they come home safe.
  8. I unintentionally left the Kerbol system on a badly botched mission to Moho that turned into a slingshot maneuver around the sun. That was many updates ago, and I'm not sure that it was a true escape trajectory as opposed to a highly elliptical solar orbit... but either way, Bill Kerman became the first Kerbal in my universe to leave the known Kerbol System at the time.
  9. This will not work for me. I've gone to the site to generate my ribbons and received the URL. I come to the forum, go under Settings > Edit Signature > Upload Signature Picture > Option 1 and paste the URL from the site into the field. If I click the 'Upload' button, I get a 'Invalid File' message. If I just click 'Save Signature' after pasting the URL into the field, I get the same message. I am registered on the Ribbon Generator site, and generating the ribbon image while logged in under my account. The URL it gives me is: Not sure what I'm doing wrong... any help would be appreciated. Thank you ^.^ (Edit: So it obviously shows up in the post itself, but the settings options won't accept it.... what gives? o.o Should I just paste the URL into the text field and do it that way instead?) (Edit 2: Nevermind. I just pasted the URL into the signature text field, center justified it, and it works as intended. Good enough for me ^.^)
  10. Of the places I have been so far, Minmus and Duna are my favorites. Minmus for it's beautiful color, low gravity, and super-flat 'lakes' that make perfect landing sites. I find it easier to get to than the Mun for some reason, and the low gravity makes landing there a breeze. I tend to use it as a target for testing out new craft designs before sending them further out into the system. Duna because Mars has always fascinated me, and I enjoy recreating the various Mars missions NASA has sent there over the years. It presents an enjoyable challenge without being too unforgiving, and I found it a good testbed for learning on before taking on Eve.
  11. Rendezvous, definitely. I have a very hard time getting two craft to meet up in orbit without a lot of futzing around... though I have to say the maneuver nodes made it a bit easier. I've been tempted on several occasions to get the MechJeb mod just for this alone... but I really dislike the thought of altering the game from it's vanilla state. I'll just keep practicing until I get it right.
  12. I've been playing the game since the first alpha releases and lurking on the forums since they started, but I rarely post. I'm usually too busy playing KSP KSP is, by far, my favorite game ever. I'm eagerly awaiting the next update... I've had and continue to have a lot of fun just flying missions out to the various planets, as well as constructing space stations... but to finally be able to do SCIENCE on my missions? I'm giddy with anticipation This will give me that sense of purpose I've been missing in the game, and give me the push I've needed to get out to those harder to reach destinations in the Kerbol System. Thank you for an incredible game Squad, and please keep up the amazing work!
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