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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Spot on, I was trying out the escape system and used one to dump the tower after a successful launch.
  2. Does anyone else have Mysterons in the new version? Can anyone guess what really happened here? Oh and I love the new bits!
  3. Whalers? You'll be humming that for days!
  4. First, sort of*, successful docking here too! *Ran out of RCS mono prop... Huge thanks to Scott Manley for the great docking tutorials just posted
  5. Sorry, but if you still have a girlfriend/boyfriend, you are clearly not playing KSP enough.
  6. I just d/l the full version so I thought I'd say hello here. I've been having fun with the demo (Version 0.18.3) and having finally managed to get a brave (stupid?) Kerbal safely onto the surface of the Mün, with enough fuel to return him home safely. No pictures of the massively over-engineered launch vehicle to make up for my non-existent piloting skills... No doubt I'll be back as I discover more about the full version, oh and a plug for xkcd, without which I'd probably never have found KSP! http://xkcd.com/1244/ 'To the Stars'
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