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Everything posted by Giddi

  1. I have the same Bug, I tested every mod I have in a new install. It seems to be something in the Open Ressource system/Pack mod.
  2. Ok did that, thanks, but can someone tell me what I have to chnge, so the Explorer Body also has a working antenna? With a omnirange of 100km when not deployed and 2000km when deployed and that It brakes of when you open it in the Atmosphere? sorry, I am really bad with these kind of things :/
  3. Does anyone have a File to give the FASA explorer, remote tech?
  4. Im looking for mods, that add mainly command modules. I want my manned rockets to look different,currently I have KW and B9, but I wanted to ask if there are more mods for CM´s?
  5. Yes I was Orbiting at 250km, changed it and now it works flawless. Thanks for the wuick answer!
  6. First of all, great mod, I love it! But since yesterday I have a bug, everytime I start the plant experiment it starts normally and after a few seconds the experiment is reset. Sometimes i get the message:"location of experiment changed, experiment stopped". It worked without problems the past days, the only thing I've changed ist, that ive installed kethane. Other mods i have installed: Tac life support Mechjeb Deadly reentry Remote tech Kw rocketry and Real parachutes.
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