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Everything posted by tjacobhi

  1. That never stops making toilets.
  2. Makes sense. You would probably need carbon nano-tubes, not easy to produce in real life, to handle the stress of the atmosphere, then add the temperature, I see your point. I'm a scuba diver, so I understand how fast pressures can increase the deeper you get into fluids, so I am surprised I didn't think of that before posting... I would like to see the "surface" deeper into the planet and have the atmosphere incredibly thick, I like the idea of imploding while getting deep. It may even be better than having a surface.
  3. After crashing on the flat surface of Jool enough times, I have come to wonder, what would Jool, and also any other future implemented gas giant, be like if they had instead a small rock core such as the size of Dres or even Gilly... The core of Jupiter is thought to have a rocky or icy core. Maybe Jool does have a rocky core, but the gas becomes too thick for a spacecraft to go through so it crashes at ASL of 0. I'm interested in what others think about the core of KSP gas giants.
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