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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Oh, and I forgot to mention: I wouldn't recommend to refuel in Interplanetary space. getting an encounter with an interplanetary station, docking, refueling and accelerating back to your desired trajectory... all in iterplanetary space requires insane amounts of delta-V. You are usually more efficient, if you refuel in planetary orbit and use good old Oberth to kick yourself to the right trajectory. If you want to do it, because you can: Go ahead, don't let me spoil your fun. But if you have the Delta-V to rendezvous an interplanetary spacestation, in most cases you should have well enough to get out to "crazy far" as well.
  2. In KSP you just have to match Kerbins Orbit outside kerbin's SOI. The phaseangle not important, since Kerbin's gravity is ignored once you left it's SOI. So for your interplanetary gasstation I'd just leave Kerbin along its orbit (prograde if you want to be behind kerbin, retrograde if you want to end up ahead) and do one (or several) orbit(s) around Kerbol, until you touch Kerbins orbit at the desired phaseangle. Then circularise your orbit until you get exactly 106d 12h 32m 24.6s of orbital period (or 53d 6h 16m 12.3s difference between time to Periapsis and time to Apoapsis, if you don't use a mod that calculates the period). There you go. Interplanetary spacestation with a fixed distance to Kerbin. No calculations needed. If you want to get to a place where a Lagrange point would be, you need a phaseangle of +60° or -60° (which would be more or less L4 and L5). You can achieve that by setting your initial orbit to a period of (Kerbins Period)*5/6 or (Kerbins Period)*7/6. Afaik, there is no way to set up an orbit that would resemble L1, L2 or L3, due to the largely discussed 2-body physics of KSP. You can sort of do as if you get to L3, but not really, since Kerbin's L3 is located slightly above Kerbin's Orbit, so in KSP kerbin will catch up slowly. But you can of course match Kerbin's orbin with a phaseangle of 180° and pretend its L3. Btw. just to add to some of the comments above: just read the Wikipedia article about Lagrange points, if you don't really know how they work. For someone with limited knoledge about math and astrophysics (like me), it might be a bit complicated to really understand. But you get the general idea. And it prevents you from posting bull**** have fun out there
  3. OMG! I've been waiting for 3Dconnexion support and I couldn't believe they actually going to do it. For everyone who never had such a thing in their hand: It's far better than it sounds. Takes a bit of practice to get into it, but it's totally worth it. I bought one originally for CAD programms (mainly ProE) but I found out what a nice Gamecontroller it is. I know they are expensive as hell, and for many games it might not be usefull at all. But for KSP it's definitly the best controller you could think about, aspecially when you spend a lot of your time in the VAB, constructing and tweaking your vehicles. Thats what those things are made for. And for docking... well, its just much more intuitive than using the keys. Big thumb up to Squad for implementing this
  4. Thanx for the detailed tutorial. I knew how it works in principle, but it was still helpfull to read through this in order to really understand how to set those slingshots up. I mostly did them when I got an encounter by chance, but I'm now aiming for those assists. Next project: replicate Juno's maneuver to get to Jool. I'm not sure whether one can actually gain a significant amount of fuel with a Kerbin fly by, but its worth trying. Also: Nasa did it, so irl it works.
  5. You might be interested in that thread. If thats not enough to let you forget the "timewarp-issue" I don't know what would be enough. I'm not a Programmer either, but it seems there are very smart people out there solving all the problems, so I just keep their threads active to encourage them to go on. I love this community
  6. I imagine they are hard to implement into the current physiks, but Squad has pulled of such amazing stuff... I believe in you, guys. Go for Lagrange points! It's the ultimate space nerd game, you can't ignore Lagrange points. And make them hard to find, its supposed to be a challange to put a vehikle into such a spot. I want to build a KML-2 Station and be proud of it. KSO is no challange anymore, there got to be more suffisticated stuff (I know there is, but still... Lagrange points are awesome). Oh, and since this is a whishlist: I'd love to see support for 3Dconnexion devices such as the Spacepilot. I mean... its freaking called the Spacepilot, its meant to be.
  7. What keeps you from copying your safefile to a dropbox and insert it into your gamefolder on the pc? What you are asking for is not a multiplayer, it's something much simpler than that and can be done without any mods, or am I missing something here? Actually that would be a nice Steam feature to add... allways syncing the safegames on all your computers as soon as you login. But thats not the subject of this thread.
  8. Ok, now I got it. Thanx for the pacience So if I loose connection or have a clientcrash while not being in a stable orbit I'm basically doomed, cause the server will just fast forward the the highest timestemp (of that guy who looked for the perfect time to get three gravity asists in a row and timewarped half a century). thats the issue gl0ryh0und was talking about in post #244 But right, that would solve all other problems I was talking about.
  9. Ok, now I'm confused. I'm not sure if I actually got the idea: There is a server that runs the game, as if you would play normally, with interactions and everything, and the clock (the one in the tracking station in the upper left corner) keeps running, even if you log out or go to the VAB/SPH -> thats what I meant by server time. All nice and well as long as noone tries to timewarp. Nothing new so far, works as in Minecraft or any other serverbased multiplayer. Now L.O.G. comes along and makes timewarp possible by saying: if you get ahead of servertime by timewarp, your movement is written to a log and replaid on the server, so everyone else can go on playing in servertime. and when noone watches, the server skips some time, so that you don't have to actually wait half a year for your (pre recorded) probe to reach ... Elo or whatever. Question is how much does the server skip. Does it jump to the point in time, when the longest prerecording ends and all vessels are in servertime again without a log to be replaid, or to the point where the shortest log ends and the server catched up with the first vessel that runs out of prerecorded gametime. I though its the latter, but now while I'm thinking about it, the first would also work, having completely different consequences though. Damn, messing around with time makes things really complicated :/
  10. I'm not concerned about processing power of the server. Stuff thats flying around is keeping the server from timewarping because of the rules of that server. (see first post of this thread)If I get that right, the server can only timewarp when every vessel has a prewritten log to skip through. So any vessel that haven't been used for a while and has no log keeps the server in realtime. Tell me if I got that wrong, because if so I really don't understand how this is supposed to work.
  11. Thats right. But while the problem I pointed out might be a minor issue on a server with 2 players, its something you might want to get right in the first place. If you have pinciple problem your system will never be scaleable. Furthermore: I have much stuff flying around on a singleplayer universe which would disable a server's timewarp capability, so its not only a problem that occures on gigantic public mp servers. Sorry if I'm posting novels about issues of the day after tomorrow, but once I started pondering over something I'm exited about, I'm hard to stop
  12. What government? No, in all seriousness: Due to the lag of a second live-threatening Superpower on earth competing in an all-risks-ignoring race (which was the power driving people up there in the first place), one might rather focus on colaborations, in order to overcome things like skewed government priorities. Look at Hubble or the ISS. When space agencies get together in synergy, awesome happens Thats why I really don't mind a chinese or new US or white flag on the moon. As long as mankind keeps going to space, I'll be exited about it, no matter under what flag. And I really hope NASA won't be damaged too hard by that government crisis you guys have over there. I think faiding flags would be a funny feature, but I can think of 42 and more other things I'd rather have implemented with higher priority. So long I might use the white flag in KSP, just for realism.
  13. In response to post #210 and #244 It basically is the grandfather paradox. And alternate realities are not a solution, cause the number of those wil rapidly explode and ultimately lead to everyone playing in their own version of said universe, which we do right now. But other than for timetravelers, the natuere of virtual reality provides a much simpler solution: You just have to prevent physiks from loading for vehicles that are only "log replays". That way any interaction is impossible by default. If a player wants other players to be able to dock to his ship/station/whatever (besides the permission thing we coverd earlier) they just need to make sure, the vehicle is flying live in servertime and does not have a log to be replayd. Which brings us back to an earlier mentioned Problem. Any vehicle flying around in realtime (and unless everyone on the server is actively flying all their vehicles with timewarp on a regular base in order to create logs to be replayd, there will be a lot of realtime flying vehicles -> like Debris or abandoned projects) will prevent the Server from timewarping, making it pretty much a realtime server. You'd need the power to timewarp the server, even when someones log has ended and the vehicle is now flying live in servertime. Maybe one could implement a setting on vehicles "allow serve to timewarp" which you have to uncheck if you want your vehicle to be bound to earth time. Such vehicles could still block timewarp on servers, but that would bring it down to a server-moderating issue (PM to troll: "Check that damn box, if you log out! else you'll get baned and I'll delet your -snip- station. It looks ugly anyway" )
  14. I still have a fiew questions. What happens if you want to take controll over a vehicle that is currently playing a log? Will you be able to change the log while its running, or will you switch to the time where the log ends? And how can I make sure not to miss transfer windows? If the server time runs while I'm in the VAB but does not run in real time, cause at some point it just hops to the point where the next log ends, its not easy to keep track of those windows and rendevous. Flightplanning is very difficoult under those circumstances. Also consider what happens if someone pauses the game. I'd suggest, that you can pause your local universe and once you finished, the log gets fastforwarded to servertime. Also Docking only works in realtime, unless you make sure the other vehicle can't get it's log changed until the docking is finished. Else you might dock to a vehicle, that then gets deorbited before you'r log does the actual docking. (damn, messing around with time makes things really complicated.) If I got the the concept right, one has to be very carefull not to leave any ships in transit waititng for maneuvers, cause you have no controll over the actual servertime. Once you left a ship and go back to the VAB, the server might catch up with you. (you can't just check the clock and think: next maneuver in 10 minutes.. enough time to build another probe). I guess if you know that, its manageble. But you have to keep it in mind. To avoid this problem, people might leave a vehicle on the ground with no log, so the server can't jump in time, which will annoy everyone else who is waiting for their probes to FINNALY reach Eve (only to crash, because you forgot to open your chutes). That might be a rather social problem, but still worth taking in account. sorry, if I repeted something here, I didn't read all 25 pages :/ Anyway, I'm really exited about this project. If you have a running "work in progress" version or something playable, I'm more than happy to test it for you Good luck with this.
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