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Everything posted by ElliottKitson

  1. I dont know if it is, in all the other 3 seats there are doors in weird places, is your iva like this?
  2. http://gyazo.com/a165a8e365e96b6c74e508f8d8a03103 I seem to be having an issue with doors appearing inside the 1-2 command pod, anyone know how to sort this??
  3. Will you be adding another ranger launch adapter to this mod again? would be able to really emulate the films launch and plus it would help save fuel
  4. Im having an issue with the command pod 1-2, there seems to be door hatches all around the cockpit in weird places, any idea on what it could be?
  5. Thanks for the update! great mod and even greater devs! (Y)
  6. I seem to have an issue with attaching anything to the bottom of the ranger launch adapter, it seems i cant attach anything onto its attachment node, is there anything i can do? Edit: turns out turning on the "non-strict part attachment orientation checks" cheat fixed this issue. hmm
  7. anyone found a fix yet for the whole white eva helmet visor thing?
  8. That would explain it then haha, going to update now, thanks!
  9. Does anyone have any tips on re-entry with the ranger? after multiple attempts to de-orbit, the landing legs keep seeming to burn up and explode
  10. I seem to be getting some weird bug where some binary code seems to be randomly displaying over all my screens :/ used the hotfix as noted on the main page http://gyazo.com/7b71d96d37d551f812114b14889cf1fe
  11. Hi, i have followed all the download steps and have put the stage recovery folder in game data but there's no toolbar in my game so i dont think its working? im using the most up to date version of both ksp and stage recovery. Please help me, thanks.
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