Ok, if everyone wants this, how can we convince Squad into spending time and resources on it? Let's say: how much are we ready to pay for this to be implemented? There are no official numbers, but lets assume 100 000 copies of KSP were sold. I would bet that this number is much higher, but I'd go safe side here. I think at-least half loved KSP, and wants to get it faster (again, my own feeling is - you would not buy this game in the first place if you would not like it, but I will go safe side again) How much are we ready do pay for this extra work and effort? Call it "Pro upgrade" or "KSP 2", doesn't really matter. I'd be happy to pay some $20 to get rid of the performance issues, and enjoy KSP beyond current part-limit. But let's take half of that: $10. 100 000 copies * 0.5 of fan-base * $10 = $500 000 I sincerely believe Squad is missing some serious profit opportunity here. Edit: Don't get me wrong, I like new features and I appreciate all bug-fixes and tweaks Squad is working on, but there is little point of all that additional work done if we can't use it on real complex aircraft and rockets.